Kabam, please don't continue making FTP/low spenders have too much of a harsh time in battlegrounds

I don't really post on here but I've become really sick of the battlegrounds experience nowadays having to face much larger rosters than mine as an occasional low spender that I just had to say something here. No idea if what I say in this post actually gets considered by kabam (maybe a forum moderator reading this will only just look for any violations in TOS to be honest) but I guess it might be worth voicing my experience.
I currently have only one r5 6 star I got from eternity of pain and have placed in celestial 5 in battlegrounds for the past 3 or 4 seasons I think, so you can say I'm quite the competitive player. I usually still have like maybe 6 r3 6 stars in my deck too.
This season, I have gotten many headaches from having to lose because the other person just had the bigger champ and to me, it feels like actually playing well is just in vain since you can easily lose to someone who has a bigger roster. I mentioned that I usually place in c5, this season, I can barely get to mysterium I.
Please don't misunderstand me. I genuinely do understand that paying should give you an advantage but surely many people would agree that the advantage is rather quite large at the moment. I had no problems facing larger decks before this season because I was still able to get wins and place in c5.
I don't know how else I can express how hopeless I feel in battlegrounds nowadays. I genuinely do love playing the game mode but it feels like my efforts are all for nothing with the really massive acceleration in roster strengths compared to mine.
I currently have only one r5 6 star I got from eternity of pain and have placed in celestial 5 in battlegrounds for the past 3 or 4 seasons I think, so you can say I'm quite the competitive player. I usually still have like maybe 6 r3 6 stars in my deck too.
This season, I have gotten many headaches from having to lose because the other person just had the bigger champ and to me, it feels like actually playing well is just in vain since you can easily lose to someone who has a bigger roster. I mentioned that I usually place in c5, this season, I can barely get to mysterium I.
Please don't misunderstand me. I genuinely do understand that paying should give you an advantage but surely many people would agree that the advantage is rather quite large at the moment. I had no problems facing larger decks before this season because I was still able to get wins and place in c5.
I don't know how else I can express how hopeless I feel in battlegrounds nowadays. I genuinely do love playing the game mode but it feels like my efforts are all for nothing with the really massive acceleration in roster strengths compared to mine.
Just pleading to not make it seem almost impossible for the competitive low spenders/FTP to still compete.
But seriously (and I'm case you somehow missed my sarcasm) enough of these entitled posts already.
The fact of the matter is, BG is a competition, and in particular it is a competition looking for the strongest players. Roster strength is part of player strength. A stronger roster grants an advantage, and a very strong roster can grant an overwhelming advantage against players who have very small or weaker roster. That's entirely normal, however a player gets there.
All progressional games like this have to balance aspiration with depression. MCOC is a massively multiplayer game. Each of us is, in a real sense, part of the game that everyone else sees. It is entirely deliberate that we see what everyone else has. We can take pride in getting higher and further than other players, and we can aspire to reach the players above us. Every game mode has this to some degree, but BG, being a head to head PvP game mode, makes this far more explicit and direct. That's part of the point to having a PvP game mode at all: it comes with this duality of more to aspire to, but also more to be dejected from, when you face stronger players.
At the end of the day, there's a distinct difference between PvE and PvP content. When game designers design PvE content - where players face the game environment - everyone can be a "winner." The game only has to present a challenge. Depending on the intended difficulty players can win at a 25% rate, a 50% rate, or even a 90% rate. Assuming you are playing content reasonably suitable for you, there's no reason why you couldn't "win" by beating the content 98% of the time. But in PvP, there's always a loser for every winner. For every great player that wins 90% of their matches there must exist a lot of players losing most of the time. There's no such thing as PvP where the average win rate is 80%.
To be someone who wants to participate in PvP, you have to be someone willing to lose. If losing is a hopeless situation where there's no reason to play if you cannot win, if there's no point to the struggle to get better, build roster, and eventually go further as a long term goal, then PvP is just not for you.
There are people who only PvP when they can win. But if we all did that, there would be by definition no PvP games. PvP can only have winners if it also has losers. The goal should be to not be the person that is losing all the time. Your roster will get stronger, your skills will get better, and while everyone else will also improve, overall the *average* player is not likely to get much stronger and much more skilled.
You say you placed in Celestial 5 for the past few seasons. I haven't. Last season was my first season in GC since the VT itself was invented. That suggests you've had a better winning record than I have. Only you can decide if that's good enough to keep pushing and keep participating. But keep in mind you only got to Celestial 5 because, in a sense, a lot of people like me were willing to face you and lose, and yet keep coming.
Also wish they didn’t incorporate masteries in the nodes(deep wounds) since I don’t have like 7000 units to unlock everything bleed related.
People are arguing how much this advantage should be.
Because now is on it's all time high, since the game's inception, and keeps growing as offers still keep coming, but content or stores updates not.
A ftp player that has done all content and be in a descent ally, can only have around 3 r5s.
On the other hand, a heavy spender that hasn't done any of the in game content that has r5 mats, and is on a retired relaxed ally, can easily have triple the r5s of the ftp.
If that seems balanced to anyone, including the devs, then i don't know what to say.
The game economy is on a bad state, and adding the Mythic crystal fiasco in the mix - rewards are still on these accounts, and still being let to clear content with them - and we have a very dangerous cocktail for the game's health.
Action should be taken, because the playerbase is losing faith in the company. And it's a pity, because Kabam had really put, up until recently at least, a lot of effort on many problems that the game had (BGs, cheating etc.).
Fact is the same spender advantage has been there for AQ and AW for a long time and not spenders have learnt not expect to compete at the top level on those modes.
The real question is -> Should the Level/Rank of a player's champions make a difference is BGs?
I feel like it should but its making too much. I have no answer on how to fix it thou.
Just want to add in that I'm not stuck in Uru 3 so I'm not saying this because I'm salty or anything, just thought it was a bit of a kick in the teeth for those it affects
I just love the, "I'm f2p so I must be better than all players who spend" thought process. It totally absolves them of any blame for losing matches or not being that good at the game. 99% of the time it's said by someone who hasn't completed all the content to expand their rosters as much as possible to close the gap between the spenders and themselves.
Some people should look more at their own skill and roster and not worry about what other people are doing.
Here’s the thing: Georgia also recruits players with grit, heart and determination. They’re just 4 inches taller, 40 pounds heavier, and better at football. Georgia beat them 65-7 in the national title game.
There’s a certain progression point where you’ll play against summoners who are talented or big spenders. There’s another point where almost everyone who remains is talented AND a big spender. Sorry.