2 ACTIVE TBS without a Home

For the past three seasons, my son and I have been bouncing around alliances hoping to find a good home. We had started our own alliance almost 2yrs ago and were teetering back and forth between G1 & G2 at our peek with mostly just Cavs and a handful of TBs. We know how to run an alliance. We know about diversity and defender placement. We fight in AQs and AWs religiously. We’ve hopped on other alliances that either weren’t organized, were too vulgar and obscene in line chat or just too negative and not very uplifting to other players.
On top of that, the last alliance had Legends and Paragons who’d park and wait at bosses or die on the second tier in AWs with r5 6*s. It was pathetic. My son and I would often help take the bosses down, because we were used to doing it. I have 36 r3 6*s, 3 r4s and 2 7*s… I’m chasing paragon and just need to beat Gwenmaster. My son already beat her and is in 7.3.4. We both have r4 Hercules. He’s slightly behind me in prestige, but believe me, he’s just as skilled if not more so in some aspects of the game. I just hit Vibranium in battlegrounds. I’d honestly die to have players like he and I when we were recruiting. It BLOWS MY MIND why we can NOT find a Good, solid, Gold 1 or Gold 2 alliance to make friends with, fight along side with and grow!!
This is the first time I’ve tried or thought to post on the forum.
My LineID is: amazing_spiderman
In game is: Amazing_Spidrmn
13,941 prestige
13,541 prestige
Just need a home for the both of us. Thank you!
On top of that, the last alliance had Legends and Paragons who’d park and wait at bosses or die on the second tier in AWs with r5 6*s. It was pathetic. My son and I would often help take the bosses down, because we were used to doing it. I have 36 r3 6*s, 3 r4s and 2 7*s… I’m chasing paragon and just need to beat Gwenmaster. My son already beat her and is in 7.3.4. We both have r4 Hercules. He’s slightly behind me in prestige, but believe me, he’s just as skilled if not more so in some aspects of the game. I just hit Vibranium in battlegrounds. I’d honestly die to have players like he and I when we were recruiting. It BLOWS MY MIND why we can NOT find a Good, solid, Gold 1 or Gold 2 alliance to make friends with, fight along side with and grow!!
This is the first time I’ve tried or thought to post on the forum.
My LineID is: amazing_spiderman
In game is: Amazing_Spidrmn
13,941 prestige
13,541 prestige
Just need a home for the both of us. Thank you!