What’s wrong with this SQ

Path A’s 400k gold a day is incredible
The other two most common paths have t5cc selectors and a load of 6* shards,
There’s the rare chance at an AG and a guaranteed one later in the month.
The timer on entries is literally so the same thing doesn’t happen that did last month with everyone complaining about there being nothing to do.
Why do people complain about this SQ
The other two most common paths have t5cc selectors and a load of 6* shards,
There’s the rare chance at an AG and a guaranteed one later in the month.
The timer on entries is literally so the same thing doesn’t happen that did last month with everyone complaining about there being nothing to do.
Why do people complain about this SQ
Meaning you "only" have 24h to do the last entry to finish this week's solo objective, I prefer to do things at my own pace.
The quest in general is just kinda boring so I'd personally rather sit down and do it whenever I want to instead of spreading it all out like this and having moments where I have to do it to get all the rewards.
Eventhough it was a bug I actually kinda liked last month, I liked being done with the SQ pretty early and thus being able to do whatever I wanted, explored a bit of 8.2 did, basically all difficulties of the EQ
Also the rewards are kinda meh to me. I'm not in need of gold atm so it basically amounts to me getting Path A and getting a few T3A frags. I like that Kabam tried improve the implementation this time around but I'm still not a big fan of the rifts
But I'm glad that you're happy with them!
Some people like to be able to play at their pace and not have to wait for keys. I’m in that camp. I don’t play consistently at a set time or amount per day so having more flexibility would be preferred.
RNG rewards always hurt some people and benefit others. Someone will end this month with multiple 6* gems and someone will end the month only hitting path A for every run other than the selector runs. Because there’s a chance at better rewards, the bottoms rewards are usually tuned down for these so it should balance out if you get a mix of paths but if you get mostly Path A it seems like less rewards than a standard guaranteed reward month.