Need some advice/clarity regarding relics

Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
edited July 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Hello everyone,

I recently rolled a 5 star Thor relic and I bounded him to my 6 star R4 Super Skrull. About 5 mins ago, I upgraded my relic rank to R2. According to the description, it says whenever my champ gains an armor up, he reduces damage from all sources by 2.99%

My two questions are:

1. In your opinion, are 5 star relics worth investing into or should I rank up only 6 star relics?

2. Is 2.99% damage reduction & 2.99% fury potency (his other rune) significant enough for my 6 star Super Skrull or should I hold off from ranking the relic to R3?

Thanks for your responses!


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