Can anyone tell me how this is possible?

So I'm exploring act 7 and I found a path that places disorient on you so I figured to bring AA since the path boosts mutants and AA is immune to ability reduction but I guess he isn't anymore

I do think the devs could/should clear this up, either through updating AA’s description, fixing the discrepancies, or at least providing an explanation for how he’s supposed to work.
Most people focus on the "opponent's abilities" part of this description, but there's another catch. It does not say AA is immune to ability accuracy modification. It says Archangel's ability accuracy cannot be decreased.
All champions have a stat called "Ability Accuracy." It is a stat like Physical Resistance or Critical Rating. We just don't normally see it in-game. If you know this, then AA's description appears to be stating *literally* that this stat cannot be decreased by opponent's abilities. That is not necessarily synonymous with being immune to ability accuracy modifications. There are ability accuracy modifications that do not affect this stat in the literal sense. For example, Slow reduces Evade ability accuracy by 100%. But I'm not sure if, under the hood, that touches champion ability accuracy: the precise mechanics are a bit hazy. Much like how once upon a time players thought (in part because of the way the game describes this ambiguously) that there was such a thing as "offensive ability accuracy" and "defensive ability accuracy" when in fact there's just ability accuracy (offensive ability accuracy is more or less ability accuracy while attacking, and defensive ability accuracy is ability accuracy when struck by an attack).
The game is consistent in its handling of ability accuracy in the sense that it is a computer and it can only do what it is told without making judgments or guesses, but I'm not convinced it handles all of these cases in a manner that is consistent with description. Because in many cases the descriptions mask technical details that are not exposed to the players.
Particle Protector is the node that makes champions glance their attacks. Size Matters just gives that node exclusions, meaning it would have practically no effect without Particle Protector.
In this case it seems they're just defining passive AAR abilities as coming from a passive placed on the champion, so Mordo isn't immune to it. Maybe that's another bug, but it still makes sense if it isn't.