Marvel Insider Collaboration Effort Redirection(s)

For the 12 people other than me that are collectors and take advantage of the Marvel Insider reward redemptions in an effort to collect 2*'s and other unique rewards not found in the game...we were deeply saddened to be informed by this post:
TL:DR - Give us another way to collect 2*s, let players choose between energy on event quests or arena, re-incentivize players to play lower difficulties, add a source of revenue for collectors to throw money at Kabam.
I can appreciate Kabam's position as it is likely an extremely small playerbase that actually uses this feature and it is tough to put together a feature that so few players actually take advantage of. I'm going to miss it however, as it was one of the last corners of the world that you could affordably get non-base-pool 2* champions.
Historically, if you'd complete the Contender and Proven difficulties, you'd be awarded redeemable points on Marvel Insider. This was a great incentive to complete those lower difficulties not only for the Insider points, but also the bit of units, as well as easy spot to complete event related special objectives such as using a specification champion or tag. With the insider collaboration gone, there is very little incentive to complete these quests at all. I have a few ideas that may be beneficial to those that loved the insider rewards, as well as be an easy workload on the Kabam team without needing to change much. Keep the player base happy without adding to the backlog. If you've read this long, I appreciate your time and consideration, and I'd ask to bear with me and give me your thoughts on the following ideas:
First, the random champions as rewards for the Contender and Proven difficulties. Replace them with aligned rarities of the new champion, up to 4* so as to not conflict with the 5* featured arena. This will allow players to choose from spending energy on a quest to obtain the 3* and 4* or to play arena and collect them from the 3M and 7.5M milestones:
Contender Exploration = Replace the unrelated 3* with the 2* Featured
Proven Expl = Replace the unlrelated 4* with the 3* Featured

Conqueror = Add the 4* Featured
Uncollected = Replace the unrelated 5* with the previous month's (or maybe a few months old) featured

The above keeps the collectors happy that so desperately need the marvel insider to collect 2*'s (which I have no earthly idea why 2*s are consciously chosen to continue to be so hard to collect. It is certainly by design as pictured below. We RARELY get the 2* arena which awards 7X 2* collector crystals amongst the milestones if memory serves:

Lastly, it would be AMAZING if Kabam permanently added the 2* Collector crystal to the Miscellaneous tab of the store right next to the 1-Star Crystal that is sold for 25 units. I'd suggest the Collector Crystal be added for 50 to 75 units. I'd have suggested 100 units but they already sell a "Featured Monthly" 2* crystal for 100 units with targeted Champions.

I have never heard a discussion or seen a post regarding the design behind 2* rarity. I don't know who is in charge of it at Kabam but it is kept very close to their chest. It is quite literally more difficult to collect 2* champions than any other in the game. I get 6*'s more often (AND AT A LOWER COST!) than 2*'s. I would love to hear from Kabam or pick their brain on how come the 2* pool is kept under such relentless guard. The 3*'s and 4*'s are literally given to us for almost no investment other than a bit of time on an arena grind. Why can't the 2*'s be added to that milestone tree?
It genuinely keeps me up at night. And I invest on average 4000 - 6000 units PER MONTH on the Monthyly Featured 2* Collector Crystals <<<<"Thats why give us all your money" - Kabam
P.S. < here is another post that I think gives great ideas and visibility and quality of life improvements that so deeply love to collect champions.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
TL:DR - Give us another way to collect 2*s, let players choose between energy on event quests or arena, re-incentivize players to play lower difficulties, add a source of revenue for collectors to throw money at Kabam.
I can appreciate Kabam's position as it is likely an extremely small playerbase that actually uses this feature and it is tough to put together a feature that so few players actually take advantage of. I'm going to miss it however, as it was one of the last corners of the world that you could affordably get non-base-pool 2* champions.
Historically, if you'd complete the Contender and Proven difficulties, you'd be awarded redeemable points on Marvel Insider. This was a great incentive to complete those lower difficulties not only for the Insider points, but also the bit of units, as well as easy spot to complete event related special objectives such as using a specification champion or tag. With the insider collaboration gone, there is very little incentive to complete these quests at all. I have a few ideas that may be beneficial to those that loved the insider rewards, as well as be an easy workload on the Kabam team without needing to change much. Keep the player base happy without adding to the backlog. If you've read this long, I appreciate your time and consideration, and I'd ask to bear with me and give me your thoughts on the following ideas:
First, the random champions as rewards for the Contender and Proven difficulties. Replace them with aligned rarities of the new champion, up to 4* so as to not conflict with the 5* featured arena. This will allow players to choose from spending energy on a quest to obtain the 3* and 4* or to play arena and collect them from the 3M and 7.5M milestones:
Contender Exploration = Replace the unrelated 3* with the 2* Featured

Proven Expl = Replace the unlrelated 4* with the 3* Featured

Conqueror = Add the 4* Featured
Uncollected = Replace the unrelated 5* with the previous month's (or maybe a few months old) featured

The above keeps the collectors happy that so desperately need the marvel insider to collect 2*'s (which I have no earthly idea why 2*s are consciously chosen to continue to be so hard to collect. It is certainly by design as pictured below. We RARELY get the 2* arena which awards 7X 2* collector crystals amongst the milestones if memory serves:

Lastly, it would be AMAZING if Kabam permanently added the 2* Collector crystal to the Miscellaneous tab of the store right next to the 1-Star Crystal that is sold for 25 units. I'd suggest the Collector Crystal be added for 50 to 75 units. I'd have suggested 100 units but they already sell a "Featured Monthly" 2* crystal for 100 units with targeted Champions.

I have never heard a discussion or seen a post regarding the design behind 2* rarity. I don't know who is in charge of it at Kabam but it is kept very close to their chest. It is quite literally more difficult to collect 2* champions than any other in the game. I get 6*'s more often (AND AT A LOWER COST!) than 2*'s. I would love to hear from Kabam or pick their brain on how come the 2* pool is kept under such relentless guard. The 3*'s and 4*'s are literally given to us for almost no investment other than a bit of time on an arena grind. Why can't the 2*'s be added to that milestone tree?
It genuinely keeps me up at night. And I invest on average 4000 - 6000 units PER MONTH on the Monthyly Featured 2* Collector Crystals <<<<"Thats why give us all your money" - Kabam
P.S. < here is another post that I think gives great ideas and visibility and quality of life improvements that so deeply love to collect champions.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
only 5 appear and you can't tag with a space.
so heres what you do.
type @ "kabam jax" (ignore the space after the @. i just put it so it wouldn't tag) to be able to tag with spaces in the name you need quote marks
@Kabam Jax
as you are typing after a quote mark type space then J and jax will come up
they could also sell them and and any number of options like what you have listed but m,aking them available from our montlhy shards so we can buy them instead of the cavs would be massive