What are the requirements to reach Gladiators' Circuit?

So here's my story, I played battlegrounds at the end of the season and collected all medals in vibranium in Victory Track. As I collected all I collected the last rewards and I moved into Gladiators' Circuit, or so I thought. The interface changed, the debuffs changed to the GC ones.It showed by current tier as Uru III and benath the season rewards for it. I didn't find any matches in a reasonable time so I didn't bother playing and the season ended. I didn't get season rewards so I contacted Kabam support. They told me that I have to complete a match in GC to be eligible to rewards but admittedly this is not show on the UI as the support linked me a forum article stating this and me asking where in-game this is stated, they didn't answer that.
They also said, and let me quote that:
"In this case, I can reiterate what has been provided in the previous message. As I checked your The Pez account, I can verify that you did not reach the Gladiator Circuit. You are only Vibranium last Battlegrounds Season 9. This is the reason why the Battlegrounds Gladiator Circuit rewards are not present on your account.
Also, there may be confusion surrounding a player’s rank in the Victory Track, due to how it is displayed in the game. Players’ progress to the next division is shown, rather than their current division. For example, a player in Vibranium would see "Vibranium " whenever they enter a match, but on the main Battlegrounds screen, on the left, they would see "Uru 3" with the number of victory medals they have earned towards entering "Vibranium" displayed underneath it.
It is also shown here that after you reached Vibranium, you stopped playing already which is why you are not officially part of the Gladiator Circuit. Kindly make sure to play Battlegrounds after reaching Vibranium so you can avoid not getting any Gladiator Circuit rank rewards again in the future. "
Ok, so the meta changes but I am not in GC but in VT still with the bleed nodes?! I think this answer doesn't make any sense and they are just ghosting me, if not, can someone from Kabam side tell me wheree did I end up? If in GC Uru III as stated in-game why didn't I get the Uru rewards? If I had to play a game in GC where is that stated in the game? If I ended in VT why did the meta change for me and why it showed 0 points reached and Uru III as current tier etc?
@Kabam Miike for the rescue?
So here's my story, I played battlegrounds at the end of the season and collected all medals in vibranium in Victory Track. As I collected all I collected the last rewards and I moved into Gladiators' Circuit, or so I thought. The interface changed, the debuffs changed to the GC ones.It showed by current tier as Uru III and benath the season rewards for it. I didn't find any matches in a reasonable time so I didn't bother playing and the season ended. I didn't get season rewards so I contacted Kabam support. They told me that I have to complete a match in GC to be eligible to rewards but admittedly this is not show on the UI as the support linked me a forum article stating this and me asking where in-game this is stated, they didn't answer that.
They also said, and let me quote that:
"In this case, I can reiterate what has been provided in the previous message. As I checked your The Pez account, I can verify that you did not reach the Gladiator Circuit. You are only Vibranium last Battlegrounds Season 9. This is the reason why the Battlegrounds Gladiator Circuit rewards are not present on your account.
Also, there may be confusion surrounding a player’s rank in the Victory Track, due to how it is displayed in the game. Players’ progress to the next division is shown, rather than their current division. For example, a player in Vibranium would see "Vibranium " whenever they enter a match, but on the main Battlegrounds screen, on the left, they would see "Uru 3" with the number of victory medals they have earned towards entering "Vibranium" displayed underneath it.
It is also shown here that after you reached Vibranium, you stopped playing already which is why you are not officially part of the Gladiator Circuit. Kindly make sure to play Battlegrounds after reaching Vibranium so you can avoid not getting any Gladiator Circuit rank rewards again in the future. "
Ok, so the meta changes but I am not in GC but in VT still with the bleed nodes?! I think this answer doesn't make any sense and they are just ghosting me, if not, can someone from Kabam side tell me wheree did I end up? If in GC Uru III as stated in-game why didn't I get the Uru rewards? If I had to play a game in GC where is that stated in the game? If I ended in VT why did the meta change for me and why it showed 0 points reached and Uru III as current tier etc?
@Kabam Miike for the rescue?
This was my first time reaching GC and I definitely read it in-game.