Is my roster good enough for EOP - acceptance exploration?

JamesH371JamesH371 Member Posts: 14

Hi guys, I’m thinking of going for exploration on EOP as it’ll push me to paragon. I’ll be at around 3,000 units by the time I went to explore, and 20 level 2 revives as well. Does this seem doable? I’d say I’m a skilled player but not insane, and if so could anybody recommend which team would be best for me to take and any fights that would possibly be road blocks? Thank you for any help!


  • TheParasiteTheParasite Member Posts: 408 ★★
    Pikolu said:

    If you're pushing paragon, just explore 8.2, it is much easier and will save you a ton of units

    I do recommend this
  • JamesH371JamesH371 Member Posts: 14
    Yeah I might do, just thought it might take a lot of units worth of energy refills especially if I wanted to do it quickly. But if it’s much easier I’ll probably go for it, thank you!
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,028 ★★★★
    The issue with EOP being cheap is... I don't see a herc
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