Hyperion vs Electro - bug?

According to your champions spotlight: https://playcontestofchampions.com/champion-spotlight-hyperion/

Strong Match-Ups

Electro does a lot of Energy Damage. Hyperion is resistant to both Electro’s Special Attacks and his Static Shock. Hyperion’s Incinerate on his Special 1 attack also reduces the effectiveness of Electro’s block, further reducing the effectiveness of his Static Shock.

Hyperion should be resistant to Electro's static shock... which isn't the case ingame. Everytime I match Electro , Hyperion get's damaged by Static shock. How come?


  • Mac_Mac_ Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2017
    He has higher resistance against electro static shock, he is not immune . If you do a test compared to the amount of damage other champs takes you will notice Hyperion takes less energy damage. The same applies against any form of energy damage, he take less damage than most champs. He even takes less limbo damage from magik, but because of the class disadvantage it’s not much less.

    The do make it sound as if he is completely immune though , they should fix the spotlight or make him immune , guess they will do the former as it’s easier lol
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