Lady Deathstrike worth a generic?
Managed to pull her as a 6 and she is really satisfying to play, it seems like the awakening will make her a bit easier to ramp up as her damage scales off armor and I'll get at least 1 more generic this month. If I don't give it to her then it will probably go to Galan, Toad, or Hulkling.
It greatly increases the damage of ruptures and greatly speeds up its construction. Worth putting x200. I got mine from the Arena and it's r4 and x200.
Unawakened, she has a cap of 3 armour passives, gaining one every 25 hits. So 75 hits to fully ramp up to 3 armour passives.
Awakened, she has cap of 7 armour passives, gaining one every 15 hits. So 105 hits to fully ramp up to 7 armour passives. 75 hits will get you 5 armour passives now.
Her sigs just give her more rupture potency per armour passive and opponent regen denied. Definitely worth awakening at the very least imo. I have her at r4 sig 170, she's amazing.
You can wait for the featureds to dupe her.
Easy choice if you don't have an immediate need.