Locking Heros in AQ/AW

Greetings everyone. I'm posting this hoping one of you could give me some insight as to why you think that locking champions in AQ/AW is a good thing and not let them be used in other story modes simultaneously. I recently joined a good alliance and am enjoying the whole communication and strategy aspect of the game, but simultaneously I feel my game progression in terms of completing the story has just stopped as my A team is usually locked in AW/AQ and usually have to wait till we beat a boss or the event ends. I currently am completing Act 4 (and we all know that's one huge Act in terms of energy) and really want to make a rush for the uncollected title. With so much content in the game - Story Quests, Monthly events, ROL and LOL wouldn't you guys think its a good idea not to lock heros in AQ/AW and allow them to push and complete other parts of the game till your AQ/AW energy refills. Again I would like to state that I might not see the entire picture or any positive side of locking heros (Unless Kabam wants us to level up our entire roster to do Story and AW/AQ simultaneously) and that is why I am posting this.
Thank you and looking forward to your feedback
Thank you and looking forward to your feedback

I think the only reason locking champs in Quests/AQ/AW is to slow down player progression.
Would be good to hear from others too.
It also helps a greater portion of the player's roster be useful, which helps ease the blow of a bad pull. For example, I pulled a 5* Kamala Khan out of a 5* Crystal last week. I leveled her to 1/25 and have been using her to grind dailies for catalysts and 100% the lower difficulties of this month's event quest on auto play while at work. Still a bad pull, still a garbage Champ, but I'm still getting some use out of it.
In the OP's situation, the options are basically ask the Alliance Leader if they can sit out on AW and AQ until they complete their Uncollected push or grin and bear it and hit it hard on off days.