Battlegrounds- Should I be serious about it?

I have never given battlegrounds a real chance and have truthfully never attempted to climb ranks. Of course, I see the threads and videos about cheaters, and have experienced a few myself. The BG store definitely would be a motivator to be somewhat serious about BG’s. What are some honest opinions on BG’s? I added my notable champs for reference and potential pointers as well if there are champs that are good/bad in BG’s.

There’s plenty of vids on YouTube about best attackers/defenders but it also depends on the nodes.
Give it a shot and see if you enjoy it.
Plus like you said, the reward store is worth it. Its currently the best value for money in the game.
It's not about roster in BG, complete different tiers, go to GC if possible, spend on BG store (I think the best store in game apart from glory one), get the personal, alliance and GC rewards. Enjoy.