Looking for active members for alliance

Hello summoners! I am GalioCube the leader of (Auxjq) Primera Generación
We are an English/Spanish alliance that want to move up from where we are, but it’s a little difficult to find some dedicated summoners!
Most players in alliance are 1.5mil or above (if you are lower than that, no worries we’ll help you out), actively participate in AW and AQ, must not be afk for more than 3 consecutive days. We are not super strict, and want to have fun, but also be competative 😁 we are invite only so feel free to send an invite or chat with me here if you are interested.
We are an English/Spanish alliance that want to move up from where we are, but it’s a little difficult to find some dedicated summoners!
Most players in alliance are 1.5mil or above (if you are lower than that, no worries we’ll help you out), actively participate in AW and AQ, must not be afk for more than 3 consecutive days. We are not super strict, and want to have fun, but also be competative 😁 we are invite only so feel free to send an invite or chat with me here if you are interested.