AW. What about masteries after placement?

FlyingDrakeFlyingDrake Member Posts: 8
Now with the persistent placement if I place my defenders without the suicide masteries, will the defender masteries stay the same in every war even if I switch to suicides for offense? Or do I have to take out suicides every time for matchmaking so the defenders don't get suicides?
And if they stay the same, how would I change the defensive masteries when I wanted to?


  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,569 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    The masteries lock when matchmaking starts for each war. It is absolutely horrendous. This change which they claim makes it easier as you place and forget, actually makes it so much worse.

    Prior to this change you had roughly 24 hours to switch to defense masteries (not just suicides but top alliances change many masteries), now you have to have to set an alarm to make sure masteries are set at an exact moment.

    I, and many of my in game friends and acquaintances, are going from competitive to casual war due to this. Perhaps it's just bias as my in game friends are similar to me in play style, but I think this new system is causing problems for more Summoners than most would think.
  • CalwooddaddyCalwooddaddy Member Posts: 76
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,569 ★★★★★
    The most needed feature in game. Kabam has ignored since the first time they announced war would be changing, months and months before it did. The player base knew this would be the worst quality of life issue ever in this game.
  • ThePharcideThePharcide Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    I don’t see why we can’t have a set of masteries for War like we do Battlegrounds. They showed it can work there. Implement it into War next please.
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