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Are people going to rank down Kraven?

With the rank down gem should he be ranked down from his 6* R3 status or be kept. I use him for AW and BG only.

Are people going to rank down Kraven? 36 votes

Rank him down!
BigPoppaCBONESpity68Manup456Garlo10or_StrongJustcause102SCP1504_Sham_DeaconTripleBItsClobberinTimeFit_Fun9329Furious80BeastDadBen_15455Ioniqus_797UltragamerLickyChiefhobBadMother2 28 votes
Keep him at R3
EgretM4Barrier ReefLuke9523JollyHawkAzenstarCyrillFromTulaSurfinwalrusKlipp 8 votes


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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,893 ★★★★★
    Rank him down!
    I ranked him down, yes. I only use him for AV synergy so r2 not required
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    BadMother2BadMother2 Posts: 24
    Rank him down!
    I took Kraven to R3 because of his synergy w Scorp and AV, but always hated playing him. So when the opportunity came along to rank him down, I did and took up a different skill champ for the upcoming BG’s meta. Moleman on the other hand was a completely different scenario. Everyone knew he was bugged from the start, and I still R4’d him after his nerf because I was using him a lot for war.
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    I took Kraven to R3 because of his synergy w Scorp and AV, but always hated playing him. So when the opportunity came along to rank him down, I did and took up a different skill champ for the upcoming BG’s meta. Moleman on the other hand was a completely different scenario. Everyone knew he was bugged from the start, and I still R4’d him after his nerf because I was using him a lot for war.

    Yeah mole boi will always be a fav of mine because of his counter to evade and auto lock. Combined with Black Panther Relic he destroys!
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,578 ★★★★★
    Rank him down!
    He’s meme tier now
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,241 ★★★★★
    I took mine from r3 to r1. I have better skill defenders now, and that's all Kraven was to me. That and as a synergy partner for Agent V.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,512 ★★★★
    I took mine from r4 to r3, if you're a paragon you shouldn't be desperately needing mats for 1>2 maybe not even 2>3 so no real need to rank him down that far.
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