Kabam’s google translate costed my friend the legend badge !

Well believe it or not my friend has his game on Spanish and when he read the legend incursion challenge it didn't say anything about having it done only in “solo mode”. So he went ahead with another friend and both got to level 25 and guess what ? they didn't got the legend token. He even sent me pics of what his challenge says and its true there is nothing that indicates that it has to be done on “Solo”. Kabam clearly has to check their translator cuz this simple mistake costed my friend a lot of items and his time. Please kabam double check the simple text that you put on your game… Look at the pics below for evidence on everything.

Awarded for completing Zone 25 in Threat Tier 6 Legendary Raids. Can be redeemed for a special Legends Title in the Featured Shop from September 13, 2023 5pm UTC to September 20, 2023 5pm UTC.
It is completely irrelevant who is translating....Google or something else
It is Kabam's game & it is solely Kabam's responsibility to ensure that their intentions are accurately communicated to players across the globe
That man deserves a compensation
Won't get any bcoz "Kabam", but he surely deserves one
Anyways yeah that's on Kabam, doubt they'll give you a response on the forums though so tell your friend to send a ticket to Kabam support and ask about the situation to see if maybe they can do something, still doubt they will but that's the only thing you can really do.
The Spanish description doesn't mention solo or with a partner so it really doesn't matter what it translates too. Without the word solo, no one will know.
The event announcement doesn't show it either.
Google isn't to blame here
For the record, everyone and their dog has a Title now because of the piggy-back system last time.
2. Are you seriously suggesting people with a language barrier now have to go into the forums, copy and paste a whole thread on a translator (that actually works) because the game team can't translate text in their own game properly?