Appreciation for The Moderators

I must say the Mods get a lot of gripe concerning situations with the game but not enough appreciation. I, for one, at least do appreciate their timeliness to responses on certain topics and also their promptness when releasing new material. It's not easy being a moderator, trust me I know. I used to run an entire site by myself so I can only imagine the difficulties these mods run into. So, to all the Mods, I wanted to say thanks for all that you do and I appreciate your work ethic.
Ah, yes and thanks for lol, the Labyrinth of Legends is a great piece of content worth spending.
another fan of labyrinth of legends (lol) I see, very nice.
don't be a troll and laugh out loud not labyrinth of Legends if you wanna troll do it the right way and get off the forums.
I don't know what a troll is under than the make-believe ones in stories, you must be referring to some new millennial term that I'm afraid I don't understand.
Ah, okay. Well, lesson learned, thanks my friend. I have to be more careful with what I post.
anytime friend if you need any other lessons in the millennial troll and their habits i'll be here with my studies of the millennial troll and the effects on society.
duly noted
yup yup anytime
You then both threw handbags back and forth and now are best friends.
I love this world sometimes