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Oooof. Torn between r5ing Kate or Kingpin. Convince me one way or the other

Vance2_jrVance2_jr Posts: 716 ★★★
edited August 2023 in General Discussion
Close to my next r5 6* (has to be a skill). I was figuring it would be KP since he’s pretty much a constant and super reliable. However, I’ve been playing Kate a lot and I’m just blown away by how good she actually is. Literally a monster. Who do you to take to R5 and why?


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    jokerwentsoftjokerwentsoft Posts: 5
    Kate Bishop is my first Rank 5. I can't speak much about Kingpin because I never got him nor I have ever played with him but KB is a solid rank 5 nevertheless. I am still trying to perfect the perfect release. It's an effort but the reward is worth it. Rank 5 whoever of these two you think makes you smile more. I like champs which asks for skills because generic champs becomes quite boring after awhile. There are tons of champs who are still amazing but never picked up due to champion fatigue. Tigra, Quake and now KB will forever remain interesting due to high skill cap and uncertainty around the output.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,724 ★★★★★

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    UltragamerUltragamer Posts: 493 ★★★

    Kingpin. Arguably the best champ in the game. Nothing less needed IMO.

    Having said that, if you like Kate better, then r5 her. She is awesome as wel!

    KP isn’t even close to the best champs herc and kitty he’s good but passive damage and passive debuffs will stop him he also isn’t good for quite a few champs
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    SamanunSamanun Posts: 672 ★★★
    It's kate she just takes so many match ups actually take is the wrong word she just obliterates so many match ups makes them an absolute joke on the other hand i have never really had any luck using kingpin so little that ive just stop drafting him entirely
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