Who to R4? Warlock, Fantman, iDoom, Fury, Shang Chi, Apoc

OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
All awakened, I can get Future Ant Man to around sig 100 for now. Unfortunately no Nimrod or Omega Sentinel in sight at the moment!

Other R4s currently are Hercules and Doom. I do have a Ghost at R3 as well, but I'm not considering her for R4 at the moment as I don't really use her that much anymore.

In terms of content I still have 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, and 8.2 to finish exploring. Not yet started working through EoP, Shooting Stars, or Grandmaster's Gauntlet as I've only recently returned from an extended break from the game, but everything else is 100%.

Any and all input would be much appreciated - thanks!

Who to R4? Warlock, Fantman, iDoom, Fury, Shang Chi, Apoc 27 votes

cfpreludeAzenstarcoolspiderman17_ 3 votes
Future Ant Man
Logan00SavageBreaker69Gr8TonyStarkTnkeesmanbigger_daddyReceased 6 votes
Infamous Iron Man
BulmktTheGodfather39AlphaNeymar10 3 votes
Nick Fury
LewisTheLlamaSpeedbumpRayhanIshaqueDoom_and_GloomWine_LoverLeoZedorpimeSLickyAllwillFallMajesticOcean 10 votes
Shang Chi
TheExit27 1 vote
MoosetiptronicMigginslyAxewMiniMF 4 votes


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    I dont get the hype behind idoom. His shock doesnt always apply when you medium and i eat sp3s cause of this sometimes (or end up using the sp1 instead of building to the sp2 so that i can prevent them from throwing their sp3). Also if the mutant doesnt gain multiple prowess at once like bishop or kitty, the energy vulnerabilities he would apply doesn’t actually apply (so against like toad or sauron)
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    If you have cable and you are working on act 7 and 8 as progression priority, apoc is massively useful, I used him and cable the second most after herc.

    If you're BGs focused, then warlock or fantman (nick will be banned too often).
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