Since you're getting rid of the energy farm

Can we please see energy refills distributed in more content rewards to compensate? We don't need an infinite energy farm, but after you neutered revive farming, this is just another anti-player move.
What'll be next? Removing potions from Realm of Legends because that's auto-fightable?
What'll be next? Removing potions from Realm of Legends because that's auto-fightable?
They said they’re “looking into it” when the revive nerf happened, but no news about potion changes has been given yet.
Energy always has a use. I can play BGs for better rewards or run lower EQ for more units.
Kabam should just sell energy refills in all stores (with a weekly limit): Glory, Loyalty, Incursion, BGs.
They should sell them for Gold too, with a limit. I'd pay 100k gold for a refill.
No more refills
Give me a way to “bank” my energy, and I won’t care about the nerf.
Story quest early acts have been changed from 2energy to 1 energy per step, from 3 to 2. It is time to cut down the energy usage in EQ too