Which of These Science Champs are Worthy of Rank 5

What the Title Says...
I use all these fighters in various content
I use half suicides (no bleed)
All of these champs are full maxed out
I understand that Spot will be available as a 7-star soon, but I'm nowhere near being able to get him and wouldn't care if I got him as a 7-star after potentially ranking him up to rank 5.
Thank you for your votes.
I use all these fighters in various content
I use half suicides (no bleed)
All of these champs are full maxed out
I understand that Spot will be available as a 7-star soon, but I'm nowhere near being able to get him and wouldn't care if I got him as a 7-star after potentially ranking him up to rank 5.
Thank you for your votes.
Which of These Science Champs are Worthy of Rank 5 51 votes
Quicksilver has really grown on me since I took him to r4 and sig'd him up to 200. I haven't had the chance to really test him out yet but he has so much utility. He solves so many annoying fights. Then, just like iBom, QS is one of those champions that can just demolish people in BG unless they are very skilled at playing him.
Spot...I don't know. It's probably on me but I've never really gelled with him. I don't regret taking him up to r4 but I'm not in a hurry to r5 him.