New BGs VT set up (Seeding)

So I've been wondering, why have we got these extra tiers in the VT now? I can understand the general idea of them ... so that the VT (once everyone has been seeded) isn't too trivial and stupidly quick to get through but why have we got the extra tiers in this season? It's just adding unnecessary extra work/effort and the VT quite a bit longer
Again, I can understand the idea of it for when seeding has actually taken place
I guess, with the seeding working from VT too, I'll make GC next season, ir is what it is lol
Also, yes it's a few added levels but the amount of extra wins required is now 15 .... isn't it? I haven't looked how many wins is needed for the extra diamond tier but I'm assuming it's 5. That's quite a task in comparison to previous seasons
Overall, they picked this Season to introduce added effort (which I think is a bit too much) for the VT, and it would have made more sense after seeding. Not now.
You call it a fair tradeoff. I call it unnecessary.
Also important to note that players are comparing the current state of BG with prior seasons, but prior seasons were broken in ways that made it much harder for some players and much easier for others. Some players will find it harder now than before, but that's deliberate.
The season reset drops you six tracks. So anyone who can advance at least seven will start next season higher than this one. The point at which you can't climb at least six is the point where you stabilize somewhere. That's one of the reasons there are more tracks in the higher tiers. There needed to be enough "room" for players who enter GC in one season to not have an automatic ride into GC in the next season because the total number of tracks in the more difficult tiers was too low.
The trophy requirements increase in lower tiers are, I suspect, additional tuning from last season where the jump from one token per win to two was too big of a jump. We literally needed only one win to jump tiers in Bronze. I don't mind the lower ones, although I will have to see what the impact is for the higher ones.
The change in trophies per win specifically in D3 is a bug fix due to a fencepost error. It is a weird glitch in how the VT is presented that there is some ambiguity between "what is the last VT tier you completed" and "what VT tier are you in now" because "in now" can mean "last achieved" or "working on." Kabam itself made this error when they allowed D3 to continue to earn two trophies per win (I pointed this out last season by way of explaining how no one really has a perfect understanding of how the VT tracks are supposed to work, not even Kabam).
Also, thanks for the breakdown DNA, that answers why now.
It costs the same amount to do a hundred matches in the first week or the last week, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a lot better return on my time pushing at the end rather than the beginning.
Of course, everyone is free to play however they want. However, the game mode is not going to accommodate players who want to skate uphill.