Whats the matter with kabam support?

Im the leader of an alliance and every week i usually send a ticket and ask for a list with the combined week points each member got because when aq finishes i usually don't have time to check ingame. every week i usually get an email back with the list and the response is pretty quick too. this week however apparently kabam support just don't want to give it???

if any moderator could chase this up that would be cool

if any moderator could chase this up that would be cool
Also, you can check both the daily group and individual AQ points at your leisure under the history button...it's available 24/7 while AQ is running...
If you must know, get more officers, assign 1-2 per BG, and have them keep track of scores every session.
Support is not meant to be sharing any in-game information like this to anyone other than the account holder. The fact that you were receiving this information in this manner was an oversight that we have since remedied.
Additionally, I think we can all agree the support team has many things of higher priority to handle. To anyone considering making similar requests of the support team, please consider their limited time and availability.
Thank you.
Kabam Jax and Colton from the support team
How dare they.
Speaking of - I'm still waiting for one of them to plug my phone into the charger for me too. What gives?
That IS NOT a “Support” issue. Thats an availability/time issue on YOUR part. It’s not their job to manage your alliance for you.
In the game. If the player has the time to do AQ or AW movement then the player can make time at any given point of the day or weekend to check thing itself in the history bad.
No wonder this kind of simple question/task could hog the support’s time of other important questions and issues. I am not okay with this!
More like “what’s the matter with you??”