Will my incursions reset at content drop tomorrow and kick me out of my current run

Hi guys, I can see the timer on this incursions button and I’m wondering if the incursions will “expire” for the week when this reaches 0? I’m on floor 15 currently of level 6 and waiting for potions from tomorrow’s reset to keep going, but I’m worried that this timer reaching zero might finish my run. Any thoughts?
The upside is that the rewards from each incursion also reset every week.
I was under the impression there was no reset during this event, so I had just been doing a couple rooms a day, getting the daily milestone, and avoiding burnout.
I was in zone 15, without a single item used, and logged in today to find myself kicked out.
Pretty disappointing, cause I'm not sure I want to go down that rabbit hole again.
That said, I own the mistake. I'm not here raising hell and asking for compensation.
It does go back to an argument I've made in the past though, that the monthly content has gotten incredibly convoluted for someone who wants to "simply" play the game.