Repetitive fights

I like using magneto as much as the next person, but what's the point of paragon difficulty of the Brutal DLX challenge being almost the same as the hardest? Doing the same fight over and over again with no change, it's just not fun. The old formate with one quest where you can pick a path and then having the hard one of doing that all, that was good. This is ridiculous. There's no other word to use then "Slog". What was the intention?
Crying inside
Doing that for final chapter? Alright understandable, Grandmaster gauntlet type of challenge
But doing that 7 times goes beyond and above any common sense
Yes it was repetitive and not as "brutal" as completing RoL way back when with a 4* Star Lord, but I thought it was a nice, but simple "update" to some of the Realm fights. I think it would be fun to try with many other champions and just test their kits out. Instead of using RoL WS as a punching bag, we could use this gauntlet.
I'll happy spend an hour doing the gauntlet on a super hard node combo, than mindless control bugged fights that is this.
I'd be a lot more excited about it if it promoted more thought and planning rather than being a copy and paste of 6 above average difficulty fights + 1 boss fight.
Gamora 100%
Supports were Nick Fury/AntMan - Evade Synergy
Angela - Gamora gains 20% attack after 20 seconds have passed
Mr Fantastic - Fury/Cruelty Buffs gain 20% Potency
Most fights were 1-3 mins depending on who I was fighting.