Repetitive fights

Newman0067Newman0067 Member Posts: 169 ★★
I like using magneto as much as the next person, but what's the point of paragon difficulty of the Brutal DLX challenge being almost the same as the hardest? Doing the same fight over and over again with no change, it's just not fun. The old formate with one quest where you can pick a path and then having the hard one of doing that all, that was good. This is ridiculous. There's no other word to use then "Slog". What was the intention?


  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 946 ★★★★
    I just did the brutal dlx challenge and yes it felt very repetitive, i remember a similar type of sq in past some sort of celebrity challenge having same defenders but getting more challenging with bigger health pools, however this one feels like a chore and not fun at all. The rewards are good though so I'll do it but it's just a lazy design
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I actually really enjoyed it.

    Yes it was repetitive and not as "brutal" as completing RoL way back when with a 4* Star Lord, but I thought it was a nice, but simple "update" to some of the Realm fights. I think it would be fun to try with many other champions and just test their kits out. Instead of using RoL WS as a punching bag, we could use this gauntlet.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,158 ★★★★★
    Absolutely abysmal
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Pikolu said:

    Fun fact: the only difference between paragon difficulty and the chapter 2 (besides how the portals work) is the hulk fight. Every other fight has the exact same health pools and nodes

  • GolivarezGolivarez Member Posts: 154 ★★
    No reason to have to do brutal dlx challenge twice. Come on Kabam do better if you beat chapter 2 you shouldn’t have to run chapter 1 it should be auto complete
  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★
    I find it funny that everytime we have a player or famous person challenge, it's almost always ended up this way. The Gauntlets have been the only time a celebrity challenge wasn't this repetitive.

    I'll happy spend an hour doing the gauntlet on a super hard node combo, than mindless control bugged fights that is this.
  • JustWantTheRewardsJustWantTheRewards Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Zekir said:

    I'll happy spend an hour doing the gauntlet on a super hard node combo, than mindless control bugged fights that is this.

    Honestly same. It took 2 minutes to find my perfect team for this challenge, then 15 minutes to get the first path done. After the first path it's just doing the same thing you just did 5 more times and hoping you don't slip up. Most of the difficulty just comes from it lasting long and therefore giving you more opportunity to make a mistake.

    I'd be a lot more excited about it if it promoted more thought and planning rather than being a copy and paste of 6 above average difficulty fights + 1 boss fight.
  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★

    Zekir said:

    I'll happy spend an hour doing the gauntlet on a super hard node combo, than mindless control bugged fights that is this.

    Honestly same. It took 2 minutes to find my perfect team for this challenge, then 15 minutes to get the first path done. After the first path it's just doing the same thing you just did 5 more times and hoping you don't slip up. Most of the difficulty just comes from it lasting long and therefore giving you more opportunity to make a mistake.

    I'd be a lot more excited about it if it promoted more thought and planning rather than being a copy and paste of 6 above average difficulty fights + 1 boss fight.
    I would have to agree. I went straight to the BrutalDLX challenge in ch 2 before going back and doing Paragon lol

    Gamora 100%
    Supports were Nick Fury/AntMan - Evade Synergy
    Angela - Gamora gains 20% attack after 20 seconds have passed
    Mr Fantastic - Fury/Cruelty Buffs gain 20% Potency

    Most fights were 1-3 mins depending on who I was fighting.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    That BrutalDLX guy really hates either the game or the players. I did around 9 sets of those fights in various difficulties today, and I hate it already. This was supposed to be fun, and it was, the first 2-3 times.

    He's showing us 1% of the pain he went throught defeating Wolverine using electro
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    It is true. Probably because Kabam's busy fixing bugs XD
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    What's the paragon difficulty? I'm only seeing one quest with no options for difficulty change 🤔
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