Best team For BrutalDLX Legend Event

Sahil_R_RanaSahil_R_Rana Member Posts: 307 β˜…β˜…β˜…
Hey guys can you suggest me the best 5 member team for this challenge πŸ‘‡πŸ» this is my roster



  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc
  • Sahil_R_RanaSahil_R_Rana Member Posts: 307 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Fryday said:

    Hey guys can you suggest me the best 5 member team for this challenge πŸ‘‡πŸ» this is my roster

    You got an amazing roster and quite a few different team can be made from this, depending on who you like using more.


    Winter Soldier: - Hercules, Red Mag, AA (anyone really)
    Juggernaut: Hercules, Valkyrie, AA (again anyone really)
    Vision: Red Mag, Hulkling,
    Scarlet Witch: Hercules, iDoom, Guillotine 2099
    Wolverine: Warlock, Red Mag,
    Hulk: Maybe Steathy, Valkyrie, Nick...I'm using Kingpin so don't who else also work well.

    I'm sure other can let you know. :)
    Ohh thanks @Fryday πŸ‘πŸ»
  • Sahil_R_RanaSahil_R_Rana Member Posts: 307 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023

    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc

    I have rank 1 6* ronan (sig 40). But does he work in case of sig ?
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc

    I have rank 1 6* ronan (sig 40). But does he work in case of sig ?
    For the Ronan cheese he really does need high/max sig really.

    But Red Mag can do those fights just as well, plus Red Mag can do Wolverine fight too.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,905 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Bring Scorp for Juggs and witch
    Bring Herc just because
    Bring Mags for wolvie and vision
    Bring anyone else you like
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc

    I have rank 1 6* ronan (sig 40). But does he work in case of sig ?
    I used my max sig 4 star and even HE made it a joke. The only thing I had to do was top him off with a couple potions here and there from parry damage.
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 570 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    WS = Wags (R4) + AA (R4)
    Juggs = Wags (R4) + AA (R4)
    Vision = Doom (R5)
    OGSW = OG Hulk (7R2)
    Wolverine = Wags (R4)
    OG Hulk = Wags (R4) + NF (R5)
  • Sahil_R_RanaSahil_R_Rana Member Posts: 307 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Fryday said:

    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc

    I have rank 1 6* ronan (sig 40). But does he work in case of sig ?
    For the Ronan cheese he really does need high/max sig really.

    But Red Mag can do those fights just as well, plus Red Mag can do Wolverine fight too.
    Thanks @Fryday
  • Sahil_R_RanaSahil_R_Rana Member Posts: 307 β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Bring Scorp for Juggs and witch
    Bring Herc just because
    Bring Mags for wolvie and vision
    Bring anyone else you like

    Thanks @13579rebel_
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  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    Use Archangel for winter soldier and juggs( can get both of them down easily just be careful with them since they can be a bit tricky)

    Use Hulkling for Vision and Hulk(really good against both of them, be careful of their power gain)

    Use Scorpion for Scarlet witch( from prefight screen choose either shock or rupture, doesn't matter which one as long as you are poison immune for her)

    Use Nimrod for Wolverine(do heavies only without using specials and make those heals disappear)
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    For your last slot you can try and bring some support or another version of hulkling in case hulk will be harder for you to put down since he will regen if he hits your blocks
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    Good luck!
    p.s if you want you can bring in Hercules and do all of those winter soldiers fights with him to get him ramped up instead of using Archangel since he will have fewer fights to do
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,284 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    Fryday said:

    If you have Ronan bring him. Herc ,valk, Nick work for Hulk. Wolverine can be taken by anyone too. Just a decent bit of damage is needed. I have used herc

    I have rank 1 6* ronan (sig 40). But does he work in case of sig ?
    For the Ronan cheese he really does need high/max sig really.
    No, he doesn't need high sig. I just used my 5* r5 sig 33 ronan to breeze through brutal difficulty.
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 870 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    Herc. AA. and Red mags can cover all fights. Then add 2 more for safety.

    Herc = Winter soldier/Juggs/Hulk boss
    AA = Winter soldier/Juggs
    Red mags = Winter soldier/Vision/Scarlet witch/Wolverine
    Last 2 spot, I would do a test run for the first lane and see who you are not comfortable with and maybe need a different counter or add backup counters for hulk boss.

    My team was Herc (R4) - WS, AA (R4) - Juggs, Red mags (R3) - Vision/Wolverine, Mantis (7* R1) - SW, Fury (R5) - backup for boss. One shot everyone except SW and boss. I messed up on the last lane for SW, maybe fatigue.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,284 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    My team was:
    Ronan (5* r5)- WS and Vision
    Abs man (r4)- Juggs and back-up for SW
    Scorp (r3)- SW
    Warlock (r3)- Wolverine
    Elsa (r4)- Hulk and back-up for SW

    Lady D works for WS and Vision too, but I went with Ronan for the cheese. Might bring her in for paragon and tb quest though, had enough ronan gameplay for a few days xD.
  • knupdiputsknupdiputs Member Posts: 52 β˜…
    5* Γ†gon made it pretty easy. Don’t count him out.
  • Mikes_momMikes_mom Member Posts: 201 β˜…
    edited August 2023
    Can you please point out my best options? I will rank and sig up 5* Ronan if I have to.

  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    I'm an average player at best....I think I used 8 revives total (mainly just having Juggernaut not cooperate--5) and then maybe 3 on the final hulk. It's 100% doable for ANYONE as long as you have red mags and a higher sig Ronan. He was my mvp alongside red mags. Red mags breezes through WS and Wolverine....AA for Jugs, but you can really use anyone. Ronan makes vision fight a joke. I used nf for sw but you can use anyone. Anyone for the boss really. The most doable end game content we've had maybe ever. And for people saying they don't have Ronan or get an awakening gem and 99 sigs on easiest chapter... Use a 4 star.

  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    And for anyone giving other options instead of red mags and Ronan ......don't listen lol. I'd use them as a 4 star before anyone else ....they are def the two most important
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Red mags with this synergy ( not necessary tho) for extra sp damage & less fill up cost.
    For : winter soldier, vision & wolverine

    Elsa, herc, or anyone that inflict lot of debuffs for juggs
    Infamous ironman / scorpion for witch( particularly anyone can do this fight)
    Just now i did my run with team of
    β€’ Red mags with mojo for synergy for ws, juggs, wolverine
    β€’fury, herc for juggs
    β€’infamous ironman for witch
    (Just 2 x lvl2 revs against juggs) otherwise easy solos.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mine is:
    AA (for WS)
    Mags (for Vision and Wolvie)
    Herc (for Juggs and Hulk)
    Prof X (for Switch)
    Nick Fury (for Hulk)
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Nick Fury for Hulk

    Magneto for Bucky, Wolverine
    Sorcerer Supreme for Juggs
    Ronan for Vision
    Storm X for Scarlet

    The synergies between SS and Storm help each other in their respective fights.
  • BabyMiikeBabyMiike Member Posts: 1,184 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited August 2023
    AA for WS AA for Jugs Doom for vision Shang chi for Scarlett and Mags for Wolverine valk for boss
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    WS - AA
    Juggs - NF/Herc
    Vision - Rmags
    Witch - Herc
    Wolvie - Rmags

    Pick whoever extra you'd want for your 5th but that's what I'd do go with
  • BabyMiikeBabyMiike Member Posts: 1,184 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Mackey said:

    WS - AA
    Juggs - NF/Herc
    Vision - Rmags
    Witch - Herc
    Wolvie - Rmags

    Pick whoever extra you'd want for your 5th but that's what I'd do go with

    AA is far better for jugs just to let you know
  • BuckeyeshaBuckeyesha Member Posts: 213 β˜…
    I used AA, WHITE MAGS (pre-fight for juggernaut), red mag, scorpion, Nick fury.

    White mag for 1st ws for extra persistent charge
    AA for ws and jugs
    Red mag for vision and wolverine
    Scorpion for sw
    Saved nf for hulk boss.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    BabyMiike said:

    Mackey said:

    WS - AA
    Juggs - NF/Herc
    Vision - Rmags
    Witch - Herc
    Wolvie - Rmags

    Pick whoever extra you'd want for your 5th but that's what I'd do go with

    AA is far better for jugs just to let you know
    @Wu_Bangerz23 @BabyMiike wouldnt kp be better than AA for juggs since he goes unstoppable and you won’t have to worry about getting the heavy.

    You can use AA for WS to have one less fight to have to play mags tedious playstyle, or you can replace AA maybe for that synergy @Darkknight_94 mentioned

    Also no need for ronan when mags does vision ( my ronans a 5* and i dont wana click like a madman for several minutes)
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,545 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Red Magneto for WS Vision and Wolverine. Valk for Juggs and Hulk. Hulk for SW. You pretty much have all the fights covered with those three alone, so for the other two I'd probably bring Kitty and Warlock as well just in case you need help with OG Hulk or Wolverine, could save you a few revives if you mess up.
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