Either I am terrible, or the Juggernaut fight is

The fight in discussion is the BrutalDLX challenge, regardless of path, but on Paragon difficulty.
There are a few things happening, that I simply don't understand. Either I am missing a mechanic, or the fight is bugged. Which is why I write here, before I make any conclusions about the fight (not) being terrible.
Here are the things that make the fight terrible IMO:
1) Root on Juggs goes away if "Immunity" reactivates. Idk why.
2) If you try to convert power into furies while Juggs has Parrystun, you will not get them all. That is due to AAR from masteries, which sucks a bit, but eh. I struggle to charge heavy without parry tho, but I had some success with SP2 punishing.
3) Lights and Mediums quite likely don't do triple damage. My 6* R4 Herc has 2k mediums. Feels low, since he should have +200% dmg from the node.
4) Awkward question, but why does Juggy bypass Herc's Immortality? No, I am absolutely sure I wasn't Staggered. That would make sense. But I wasn't, and he didn't have his crimson gem either.
These 4 points make my runs fairly annoying. Nothing insane, but it is a small issue. Do I just suck, or is the fight really messed up? I dunno the answer for any of the three questions, so if anyone has an answer, please, do tell.
There are a few things happening, that I simply don't understand. Either I am missing a mechanic, or the fight is bugged. Which is why I write here, before I make any conclusions about the fight (not) being terrible.
Here are the things that make the fight terrible IMO:
1) Root on Juggs goes away if "Immunity" reactivates. Idk why.
2) If you try to convert power into furies while Juggs has Parrystun, you will not get them all. That is due to AAR from masteries, which sucks a bit, but eh. I struggle to charge heavy without parry tho, but I had some success with SP2 punishing.
3) Lights and Mediums quite likely don't do triple damage. My 6* R4 Herc has 2k mediums. Feels low, since he should have +200% dmg from the node.
4) Awkward question, but why does Juggy bypass Herc's Immortality? No, I am absolutely sure I wasn't Staggered. That would make sense. But I wasn't, and he didn't have his crimson gem either.
These 4 points make my runs fairly annoying. Nothing insane, but it is a small issue. Do I just suck, or is the fight really messed up? I dunno the answer for any of the three questions, so if anyone has an answer, please, do tell.
2) possibly
3) not sure about that mine was hitting 12k crits and 5-8k non crits, but ramped up aegon better for that fight
4) did he have unstoppable active?
I did without Herc, he soloed juggy all the time
My issue is when I use quicksilver and punish his after a relic stun, I get hit mid combo
yeah it only happens when he has unstoppable active.
can only assume that that is what happened tho.
The gem is usually removed off of Juggs when he is either inflicted with a debuff or is knocked down. Both ways do indeed get rid of the gem, from what I tested. BUT, only parrying/inflicting debuff is removing the dmg reduction. What's more is that after you remove the dmg reduction by parrying, it comes back after you knock him down again, which should not be the case.
Here is the first knock down, he loses debuff immunity and does not have the gem on him. My r4 abs man is doing 1k lights:
Right after the clip above, I parry him. This time I'm doing way more dmg on my lights after the parry:
He then throws a special, regaining the gem. Here's my dmg with the gem on:
Here's my dmg after I remove the gem with a knock down:
Finally, here's my dmg after I remove the gem with a parry:
Conclusion, its bugged. Knocking down removes the gem but not the dmg reduction, bugged. Parry removes both the gem and the dmg reduction, as intended.
I used Hulk for Juggs & SW
That passive stun makes it easier to land heavies whenever u want instead of relying on baiting heavies or punishing Sp2