Who is the best pick of 7 star selector?

RvzRvz Member Posts: 185 ★★
edited August 2023 in General Discussion
Who is the best? Who will you choose?

Who is the best pick of 7 star selector? 325 votes

Ebony Maw
MasterSmokeLewisTheLlamaJclark3168CropDusterKpthagreatblackdragonightBrokenrcm2017Jaycray81LiquidkoldMigginslyKillSwitchRabarberstengelBowTieJohnJimmyBDarkEternitydump_monkeyHollowKisameGreekhitTripleB 98 votes
Black panther OG
TheBaldAvengerBitterSteelSpity68Hort4Vegeta9001AnmaelNukeTheHeroDeservedTOMCILBulmktLogan00IvarTheBonelessAnnihilator13_BeduinoPiscinaFabwiziIryseCrcrcrcCoach_G1Molemanisbestchampxp21 36 votes
Sam Wilson
BigPoppaCBONEEb0ny-O-M4wRvzbhuv91912StarKingTendersquadTerraTonyrak79DormantknightZsirhcZShanos100Barrier ReefPulliKpratish1997Mars___Luke9523Ayden_noah1Mrblonde_13Ewell65SSS69jcphillips7 46 votes
Emma Frost
SnakeEyes69DrZolaL_217SIlverProfessorManup456allinashesLuciusVorenusImpalerGK_23ShaggyMbm3eppsKennadoBlackGekkougaMhd20034BluestoneCassyDtl7714cane47Doom_and_Gloom10or_Strong 110 votes
SpartyBobrazielKeonexkikiFurieuxFfm1899Iamnikeredsoxpatsfan89Gulfstream550Avengers320Maxwell24Jaymix79Diegog2000Deder80__SF__JOHNNYBACKHANDwillrun4adonutDarthMysticXylph_Rick87_kaloloshy 20 votes
Red Goblin
dzikidziklaserjohn26RocketWaffleSpideyFunkoShiroMikazuki6HAVOC6INC_6SirGamesBondHydrothcVance2_jrRealWizardSuperstar_1126Marvelfan30AxewSpeedball1919sheeeeeeesh 15 votes


  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,156 ★★★★★
    Ebony Maw
    Unduped the others suck
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Emma Frost
    I haerd theres a small trinity with herc hulk and black panter
    Is that enough to select him if i get him?
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Emma Frost
    Emma frost 100%
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Ebony Maw
    But Red Goblin might get picked up
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    Ebony Maw
    I want someone to convince me to choose Emma.
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Ebony Maw
    To those who picked Emma, why do you think she’s the best option?
  • StephD87StephD87 Member Posts: 81
    I was lucky enough to get a selector yesterday and chose Emma. Mostly due to the fact that I run Ouchie masteries and don't enjoy BGs.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,156 ★★★★★
    Ebony Maw

    BeastDad said:

    Unduped the others suck

    Pikolu said:

    BeastDad said:

    Unduped the others suck

    Emma is literally better unduped than duped
    Her relevance was up 4 years ago.
    So was Blade's and now he's a top BGs attacker
    Hers has not come back around.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,169 ★★★★★
    Ebony Maw
    Maw for the sole reason he will most likely be insta banned in battlegrounds every match
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,226 ★★★★★
    I wish the options were a bit more enticing, but I’ll probably go BP to pair with Herc
  • JarvisreiJarvisrei Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Ebony Maw

    I haerd theres a small trinity with herc hulk and black panter
    Is that enough to select him if i get him?

    His synergy for herc is too good. Literally makes all your sp unblockable for 2secs after activation. Though if you are a good herc player I don't think you will need it as it's better to do special intercept.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    Emma Frost
    Jarvisrei said:

    I haerd theres a small trinity with herc hulk and black panter
    Is that enough to select him if i get him?

    His synergy for herc is too good. Literally makes all your sp unblockable for 2secs after activation. Though if you are a good herc player I don't think you will need it as it's better to do special intercept.
    Mostly depends on the AI. Sometimes they just don't want to cooperate
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Emma Frost
    Bocksarox said:

    I want someone to convince me to choose Emma.

    She’s immune to almost everything in diamond form. Massive sp2 damage. Easy to use
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Black panther OG
    It's probably Emma but I'm biased towards BP have a r5 6* and I'll get the 7* too.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Emma Frost
    Pikolu said:

    BeastDad said:

    Unduped the others suck

    Emma is literally better unduped than duped
    While im not 100% sure is wierd that when i made the worst sig abillity thread nobody mentioned her since at some point dexing It with inverted controls becomes muscle memory
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Emma Frost
    ahmynuts said:

    Maw for the sole reason he will most likely be insta banned in battlegrounds every match

    Lmao he will still be cooked by tigra and the rest.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Emma Frost
    ahmynuts said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Maw for the sole reason he will most likely be insta banned in battlegrounds every match

    Lmao he will still be cooked by tigra and the rest.
    I'm about to enter the zone and dunk on you for slandering Squidward like that
    Hahaahah this got me rolling nice to see we have anime lovers in mcoc.
  • LetheLatteLetheLatte Member Posts: 115

    I haerd theres a small trinity with herc hulk and black panter
    Is that enough to select him if i get him?

    He allows for herc to have unblockable specials
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