I give you props. I wouldn’t rank up a6* if they’re evailable as a seven star, even though I wouldn’t be able to naturally dupe and max sig him for a really long time. I’m guessing you’ll ascend him when you can. Keep us updated.
I give you props. I wouldn’t rank up a6* if they’re evailable as a seven star, even though I wouldn’t be able to naturally dupe and max sig him for a really long time. I’m guessing you’ll ascend him when you can. Keep us updated.
I do have him as a 7*, but I'll never use him unless I got him to about sig 120. I don't even know anything about ascending since I just came back from a few months away.
I give you props. I wouldn’t rank up a6* if they’re evailable as a seven star, even though I wouldn’t be able to naturally dupe and max sig him for a really long time. I’m guessing you’ll ascend him when you can. Keep us updated.
I do have him as a 7*, but I'll never use him unless I got him to about sig 120. I don't even know anything about ascending since I just came back from a few months away.
Same scenario here. Have a 7* Lady D and just got the 6*. Lady D needs high sig and I cant awaken my 7* unless we get a whole lot of Titan shards (1 in 24 chance at the dupe, I think). I say all that to say why force only 7* rank ups when champs that need high sig are available as a 6*? 7*s will be on your account forever so no need to force rank them after say 3-5 rank 2s? (New progression title purposes of course).