My last Mastery's Point is Missing due to the Change of Rewards of ACT4 / 5 ... Haw can i Do ?

since the reboot of the acts 4 and 5 of MCOC, the rewards changed but i didn't received the difference between the moment a long time ago i did it and the rewards of now.

So, the big problem is that i was already Incollectable and i was :
_at 80% of completion of the act 4 ( chapters 1,2 and 3 at 100% but not the 4th )
_i had already did the first way of chapters1,2 and 3 of the act 5 but not yet the 4 at this moment )

So THE BIG question is when will i receive the difference between the rewards i received already and the ones of now ?

The BIG PROBLEM for ME is that because of the change of the rewards without compensation,
i haven't got the 59th point of mastering and i can't go to search it on the act 4 because he's now on reward of first completion of the 4th chapter and not anymore on the 100% ... It misses my point of mastering so HOW CAN I DO TO HAVE IT ? =/

DO i still have to finish the act 4 to have it ?

Thanks for your time and help

Ps : I'm french so sorry if i did mistakes on my explanations
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