What if Rank Down Tickets were sold?

If RDTs were sold in store...this would be a valuable addition to the game. Seems viable to me, maybe something like 500 units for 5*, 1000 units for 6*, or that nature.
What do you think?
What do you think?
we develop roster depth.
we rank champs and collect resources.
if one could get rdts there would be no need to collect more resources.
you could have 5 champs at r5 and then just chop and change who they are for any quest.
would never need to get more catalysts.
it would have a massive negative effect on the game economy.
They were nice enough to gift us with RDTs around the Holidays like 6 years ago.
but of course if it ever happened there would need to be caveats.
but there is no cavet that itself is obvious.
there would be many many ways it could be implemented.
but regardless
my vote is NO.
rank up a champ stick with it.
if you regret that, oh well, think harder next time.
most scenarios people "regret" a rankup is
A - they ranked up a champ based on hype from others without playing and learning them first. so don't be a sheeple and learn first.
B - they ranked someone up and then pulled someone better and only regret their choice due to hindsight caused by their new pull.
in which case just hunt for more resources.
the only valid situations for a rankup is after a champs abilities have been nerfed by kabam.
and this is when they have been adjusted beyond 6 months after release. like kraven was. not within 6 months like zemo was.
and these would be special case rank down tickets.
That's why I'm against this idea, it's horrible - not because it's counter productive but the benefit to spenders is tremendous while FTP would get punished even more. People who could afford to, would always have whatever champions they need at max level/rank, while FTP players would need to be very conservative and thoughtful with their rank ups.
If someone could afford to buy a RDT, they have virtually no deterrence to simply max out a champion. Oh, BG meta changes and they need someone else at that rank instead? RDT - swap the champions out.
Keep up the fight!!!
Tag me when we get them.
500 for a 5 star is a joke, even if you got 5->4, 4->3, 3->2, and 2->1 plus all the gold, stones, etc.
1000 for a 6 star... I definitely have a couple I'd consider taking from 5->4 or even 3... but I would think there should be a limit of like 1 per year to discourage champions from being "library books you check in and out".
rather than it costing "units"... I'd rather you have to pick 2-3 champions to rank down in exchange for the materials to rank another up. E.g. I could take my R4 falcon and R4 Korg down, (now that they are in 7 star pool), and in exchange, r4 another champion instead.