Battlegrounds needs balancing

My 4 best champions are only 7k in rating and everyone else is 3-5k. How is it fair that I'm going up against someone with 7-10k champions. I've played people that are the same power level as me. Win or lose it seems fair. Now it just feels pointless even try to play it
Also battlegrounds is not designed to be fair, if you can't progress, then it is time to focus your efforts on story content and roster development
You might not like it, but that's literally the only solution to your pain point with matchmaking. Kabam has already said that changes in matchmaking will only get looser, not tighter.
It is pretty ridiculous that a small (Uncollected and Cavalier) account has made it to the same level as a Paragon in Platinum 2, with using a roster that includes sandbagging.
Just as it is "not fair" for there to be unbalanced matchups (like OP is experiencing), it is also "not fair" that they have reached the point that they have.
As of now weighted matchmaking at lower tiers hurts advanced players, and I understand their frustration seeing UC/Cav's complaining about being stuck in Plat/Diamond when they are stuck in Gold. I also see can get where UC/Cav's shouldn't just get stonewalled in these ranks to the point where they can't even complete the 2-day objectives.
Seeding may help, but we need to wait and see. It is difficult to have 1 ladder accommodate lower players and be competitive without causing frustration on both ends. Without another ladder meant participation, the main goal of the VT needs to be upheld, which is setting a standard for skill and roster size to advance into the GC. It is as simple as that really.
Regardless, this ridiculous onslaught of every Post that is made on the Forum needs to stop. Are you afraid someone is going to listen to them? Let them speak for their own experience and stop telling them to "Git gud." in more colorful words.
Kabam gave you training wheels to the GC for 9 seasons. At some point, they had to let go and allow players to fall on their faces or prevail on their own.
If BGs is too hard for you, instead of complaining on the forums that it's 'just not fair!', just do the plethora of content that you clearly haven't done already to improve your skills and roster like the top players all did.
When I was able to do ROL, LOL, or AOL that did not mean that I had the roster to compete. So does that mean Kabam should have blocked me from joining those game modes? Same with say…the celebrity challenges. When those first came out, I could not fully complete them, I played until I couldn’t progress and I built my roster so that I could eventually complete them.
If that happened, people would complain that they aren't getting the same rewards
I think where we are is the best Kabam can do. There is a massive range of players able to play BGs. We all want the victory tokens and the rewards along the way.
If people become stonewalled, they get stonewalled. That is when you switch to the 48 hour objectives and try to get the points for milestones. There is nothing wrong with that. That is what a lot of people do anyway.