Hahaha. I’m in the same boat (sort of). I was lucky to pull a selector from the 7hr crystal and pulled Maw. Now I’m on the fence between Black Panther or Ant Man. I have a r5 Herc so BP would be a nice synergy partner. With Mojo coming in, Ant Man could also be nice.
Hahaha. I’m in the same boat (sort of). I was lucky to pull a selector from the 7hr crystal and pulled Maw. Now I’m on the fence between Black Panther or Ant Man. I have a r5 Herc so BP would be a nice synergy partner. With Mojo coming in, Ant Man could also be nice.
If you have deep wounds, that BP is way more than just a synergy champ.
It surprised me that most of my alliance mates took Emma yet few had her 6* ranked up. Suddenly she’s op? I’ve had Emma for years as r3 6* but quite frankly I’m bored with her.
I took Maw and would go back and switch to antman if I could.
Kind of the opposite, I took Emma and immediately thought I should have done something different but then after playing her I love her. I think it helped that I never leveled a five or six of her so even though she's old she's new to me.
Im still waiting i think i can get another 7* before the timer expires and if It is Hulk i,ll choose BP if not most likely Emma since i have a colosus and an omega red (Who i plan ranking up) i wont pick evony since i have a sassy and i dont feel like having two mystic defenders and i'll consider sam or antman once i know more about their abillity
To those of you who selected a champ, if you could select a different champ would you and why?
I am happy with my Emma pick. A 6* duped/high sig ant-man is better than an unduped 7* so I'll just use the ant-man i have to take on any 7* Mojos i might come across. Plus there are better buff immune champs/mojo counters. He isn't exactly my concern atm
I had a hard time choosing 😂 I made a default choice because the perished seal and I would have had too many t3a t6b in reserve. Nobody made me dream so I chose Ebony by default
I picked CapSam since he was the only one I didn't have as a 6 star. I have no regrets, I made the right choice for my roster. He's actually fun to use.
Ant-man is a bit hard to fully optimize in offense but no regret for the moment, he was good against mystics (maw particularly!) in BG and a monster in the EQ (photon chapter). Not really got the chance to use him on defense though, if everyone else have an opinion on it let me know !
I have all of them as 6* now but while I haven't used ghost much these days and wouldn't R4 a 6* Antman, the 7* is very usable.
No Ragrets.
Dr. Zola
I took Maw and would go back and switch to antman if I could.
For people who misses the meme.