Who To r4?

Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★
I won't show my options because I know someone will say none of these pick this guy

I just don't see Scorpions power I've given him chances and nothing
I'm still learning Valkyie as she is amazing
Human Torch is an absolute unit

So let's see what you guys say

Scorpion is also the only one awakened

Who To r4? 27 votes

Scorpion (Don't See Uses & Overhyped)
SIlverProfessormanveertherealWine_LoverLordSmasherWolf911ReignkingTWbjejdhsRonSwansonAdokahmynutsSaltE_Wenis69Raiden01JustWantTheRewardsIm_amale00Emomike 15 votes
SpeedbumpSavageBreaker69Phantomfire500Wasy1Ruwqiersawillrun4adonut 6 votes
Human Torch
Spity68Ewell65SSS69HSS756HAVOC6INC_69SuhailMohammad07 6 votes


  • Phantomfire500Phantomfire500 Member Posts: 240 ★★
    edited September 2023
    I don't think he's overhyped, and it's probably something I'm missing, but I don't get Scorpion either. I have him R4 and never use him, so I'd imagine that's what's in store for yours too. I'd honestly swap him and my R3 Thing if I could.

    R4 the champs you'll actually play.
  • Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Oh my god how many scorpion is overhyped posts can one person make. You’ve made like 70 posts all about rank up’s and every single time you claim scorp is overhyped and you don’t know how to use him. I and many others have provided useful input which you apparently just disregard

    Ton of utility and damage. Throw the sp1 and use mediums to stack debuffs, throw the sp2 to refresh + do massive sting damage. He has triple selectable immunities, great damage, a petrify that also allows you to heal up a ton. Simple but effective champ of that just destroys everything

    I read every comment I never disregard people's insight. The way you describe how to use scorpion is what I do and I don't see it. People say he's the best science champ in the game but I don't see it when compared to champs like Cassie, and Human Torch
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    What exactly are you not seeing about scorp? Watch some YouTube videos, Lags and a lot of others have some good ones. There’s one of him taking out Abyss Thing in under 2 minutes, even beating out Kate Bishop. He has the damage, he has the utility, and he’s a decent defender. Stack debuffs, big damage. Very sustainable and versatile. AV/Venom synergy makes him hit even harder
  • SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
    Scorpion (Don't See Uses & Overhyped)
    Scorpion was my first 6* r5 and I would do it again. He's a ton of fun to play with so much utility and his power stings do a ton of damage.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Scorpion (Don't See Uses & Overhyped)
    best science in the game its not hard to use him just throw sp1 and keep up the poisons he has insane utility i own all 3 of those champs at r4 my valk sig 200 scorpion sig 100 and torch not duped I think if i had to choose 1 of them to r5 it would be scorpion so im going off my personal opinion (and the fact that you could use a better r4 science champ)
  • Raiden01Raiden01 Member Posts: 93
    Scorpion (Don't See Uses & Overhyped)
    Scorp overhyped???

    He's literally so good and safe to play. He can do very quick fights in bgs if played right. Selectable double immunities at the same time, heal reversal plus steal, evade in case u mess up, big sp2 damage and big sting DMG with sp1 spam.

    Easily the best science champ and also better than valk and ht in terms of utilities.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    edited September 2023
    Human Torch
    Pretty good incinerate immune champ with passive power sting and incinerate that can apply to anyone including incinerate immune champs
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Oh my god how many scorpion is overhyped posts can one person make. You’ve made like 70 posts all about rank up’s and every single time you claim scorp is overhyped and you don’t know how to use him. I and many others have provided useful input which you apparently just disregard

    Ton of utility and damage. Throw the sp1 and use mediums to stack debuffs, throw the sp2 to refresh + do massive sting damage. He has triple selectable immunities, great damage, a petrify that also allows you to heal up a ton. Simple but effective champ of that just destroys everything

    Tons of utility: Rupture, poison, shock immunity.
    Thats it.

    You mfs however when it comes to quicksilver say he is bad when he has way more utility than scorpion.
  • Raiden01Raiden01 Member Posts: 93
    Scorpion (Don't See Uses & Overhyped)
    Ruwqiersa said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Oh my god how many scorpion is overhyped posts can one person make. You’ve made like 70 posts all about rank up’s and every single time you claim scorp is overhyped and you don’t know how to use him. I and many others have provided useful input which you apparently just disregard

    Ton of utility and damage. Throw the sp1 and use mediums to stack debuffs, throw the sp2 to refresh + do massive sting damage. He has triple selectable immunities, great damage, a petrify that also allows you to heal up a ton. Simple but effective champ of that just destroys everything

    Tons of utility: Rupture, poison, shock immunity.
    Thats it.

    You mfs however when it comes to quicksilver say he is bad when he has way more utility than scorpion.
    Nah bro nobody saying qs bad. He's my 2nd fav science champ. Utility and DMG powerhouse.

    But more utilities than scorp? Maybe, but having 0 debuff immunities is already a minus for me. But dex immunity is cool tho.
  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 946 ★★★★
    I won't tolerate such disrespect for my first R5 champ - Scorpion and no he's not overhyped lmao where are y'all getting that from :D
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