Monthly new character bundles 6star option

Emac1414Emac1414 Member Posts: 34
edited September 2023 in General Discussion
Wanted to get a idea if a 6star purchase option is in the near future for paragon players? Asking since for us 3,4 and 5 stars a useless even with acentions coming up. Also since 7stars are a main focus now, I don't see how a 6 star purchase option say for $99.99 for us would be asking too much? It would generate more revenue for you, and still put the focus of arenas on free to play players. My idea is having that as a additional option with the monthly guaranteed 5star one. It being separate and only can get one 6star version of the character for 99.99. You can still buy the other bundle at a chance for a 7star but that would be additional. Offer this option to paragon players, say who completed all acts up to date, and maybe has so many rank 5 maxed out 6stars or 7stars.
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