CGR Funsies
This is probably a question for @SlayerOfGods but here goes nothing. I was doing some funsies in ROL with my r4 CGR and was wondering if it’s possible to get them down in one sp3 and sp2 rotation. I did an sp3 rotation and built back up to sp2 without triggering dex, and the sp2 was coming nearly close to KOing them, but not quite. Is there a better rotation I should be using that can get them down in one cycle? Running ouchies by the way
- Trigger Dexterity,
- End a 5 Hit Combo with a Medium Attack for Vigilance,
- Launch your Special 1,
- Build at least 40% of your Max Power,
- Bait opponents Specials until they’re nearly at 0% Power,
- End a 5 Hit Combo with a Light Attack,
- Parry-Stun the opponent and spam Heavy Attacks (at most, land 5),
- Launch your Special 3 BEFORE Judgements reset
- Launch Special 2's until your Fury Buff expires
Video guide: