Taunt and Inequity bugged Interaction

This will be way too long for most of you to read. But the moral of the story is that taunt debuffs and the inequity mastery have a bugged interaction causing the inequity damage reduction to be reduced by the potency of the taunt debuff.
Due to this, Cassie Lang’s 50% taunt rebalance that should have allowed her to reach 86% with inequity is actually only reaching a 68% damage reduction. 50% from the taint and 18% from inequity.
Getting into the details, I tested this with 3 different taunt champs. Cassie Lang, Scorpion, and Overseer. I tested vs a few different opponents to make sure it was consistent. All testing was done with 3/3 inequity
Someone else made a great post comparing Cassie’s damage reduction before and after the update. So I looked into it as well and noticed that taunt debuffs actually reduce the inequity damage reduction by the potency of the taunt debuff. It’s supposed to be 6% per debuff and max at 36%. So Cassie’s 50% taunt reduces the inequity damage reduction to 3% per debuff.
Overseer’s 20% taunt reduces the potency of inequity to 4.8% per debuff, and Scorpions 15% taunt reduces the inequity potency to 5.1% per debuff. And even with the reduced potency, the inequity mastery still maxes out at 6 debuffs since I had 3/3 inequity. This makes it so you’re not able to reach the intended cap of 36% damage reduction from inequity if you apply a taunt debuff.
Below are Details to support the claims above. I have recordings and screenshots but this post is already long enough. Let me know if you guys need to see any of them.
How I calculate damage reduction is (reduced hit damage/ original hit damage) to get the percent of the original damage taken. (1-(percent of original damage taken) x 100)= damage reduction
Example original hit 100, reduced hit 60. 60/100=0.6 ~ 1-0.6= 0.4 ~ 0.4x100= 40. That would be a 40% damage reduction.
Starting off with Cassie Lang, her taunt is 50% and as a result her inequity potency is 3% per debuff. Max of 18% from inequity when combined with taunt
Basic medium attack: 1624 damage
medium attack with 6 debuffs: 1040 damage. That’s a 36% damage reduction working as intended.
With One taunt medium attack: 764 damage. That’s a 53% damage reduction. 50% from the taunt and 3% from inequity since the taunt counts as a debuff.
Medium attack with Taunt and 6 debuffs: 520 damage. That’s a 68% damage reduction. 50% from the taunt and 18% from inequity (3% damage reduction per buff and 6 debuffs)
68% damage reduction is the highest Cassie can reach with her bad kit. Which is 22% lower than the 90% she was able to hit previously.
Overseer, his taunt is 20% and as a result his inequity potency is 4.8% per debuff, Max of 30.6% from inequity when combined with taunt
Basic medium attack: 1800 damage
medium attack with taunt and 5 debuffs: 1008 damage. That’s a 44% damage reduction, 20% from the taunt and 24% from inequity (4.8% per debuff x 5 debuffs)
Scorpion, his taunt is 15% and as a result his inequity potency is 5.1% per debuff. Max of 30.6% from inequity when combined with taunt.
Basic medium attack: 1578 damage
medium attack with taunt and 6 debuffs: 859 damage. That’s a 45.6% damage reduction, 15% from the taunt and 30.6% from inequity (5.1% per debuff x 6 debuffs)
So this isn’t a major or game breaking bug but it does have a significant impact on Cassie Lang, they said the goal was for her to be able to reach a similar amount of damage reduction with the proper mastery set up, but as it stands the most recent update was a nerf to her damage reduction. Still an amazing champ though but this limits some of the match ups she can take now.
Let me know if anyone has any questions. And hopefully someone from Kabam reads this and fixes the interaction because the goal of the update was to make Cassie’s damage reduction reliant on the inequity mastery, but in reality she benefits the least from it since it’s potency is halved for her.
Due to this, Cassie Lang’s 50% taunt rebalance that should have allowed her to reach 86% with inequity is actually only reaching a 68% damage reduction. 50% from the taint and 18% from inequity.
Getting into the details, I tested this with 3 different taunt champs. Cassie Lang, Scorpion, and Overseer. I tested vs a few different opponents to make sure it was consistent. All testing was done with 3/3 inequity
Someone else made a great post comparing Cassie’s damage reduction before and after the update. So I looked into it as well and noticed that taunt debuffs actually reduce the inequity damage reduction by the potency of the taunt debuff. It’s supposed to be 6% per debuff and max at 36%. So Cassie’s 50% taunt reduces the inequity damage reduction to 3% per debuff.
Overseer’s 20% taunt reduces the potency of inequity to 4.8% per debuff, and Scorpions 15% taunt reduces the inequity potency to 5.1% per debuff. And even with the reduced potency, the inequity mastery still maxes out at 6 debuffs since I had 3/3 inequity. This makes it so you’re not able to reach the intended cap of 36% damage reduction from inequity if you apply a taunt debuff.
Below are Details to support the claims above. I have recordings and screenshots but this post is already long enough. Let me know if you guys need to see any of them.
How I calculate damage reduction is (reduced hit damage/ original hit damage) to get the percent of the original damage taken. (1-(percent of original damage taken) x 100)= damage reduction
Example original hit 100, reduced hit 60. 60/100=0.6 ~ 1-0.6= 0.4 ~ 0.4x100= 40. That would be a 40% damage reduction.
Starting off with Cassie Lang, her taunt is 50% and as a result her inequity potency is 3% per debuff. Max of 18% from inequity when combined with taunt
Basic medium attack: 1624 damage
medium attack with 6 debuffs: 1040 damage. That’s a 36% damage reduction working as intended.
With One taunt medium attack: 764 damage. That’s a 53% damage reduction. 50% from the taunt and 3% from inequity since the taunt counts as a debuff.
Medium attack with Taunt and 6 debuffs: 520 damage. That’s a 68% damage reduction. 50% from the taunt and 18% from inequity (3% damage reduction per buff and 6 debuffs)
68% damage reduction is the highest Cassie can reach with her bad kit. Which is 22% lower than the 90% she was able to hit previously.
Overseer, his taunt is 20% and as a result his inequity potency is 4.8% per debuff, Max of 30.6% from inequity when combined with taunt
Basic medium attack: 1800 damage
medium attack with taunt and 5 debuffs: 1008 damage. That’s a 44% damage reduction, 20% from the taunt and 24% from inequity (4.8% per debuff x 5 debuffs)
Scorpion, his taunt is 15% and as a result his inequity potency is 5.1% per debuff. Max of 30.6% from inequity when combined with taunt.
Basic medium attack: 1578 damage
medium attack with taunt and 6 debuffs: 859 damage. That’s a 45.6% damage reduction, 15% from the taunt and 30.6% from inequity (5.1% per debuff x 6 debuffs)
So this isn’t a major or game breaking bug but it does have a significant impact on Cassie Lang, they said the goal was for her to be able to reach a similar amount of damage reduction with the proper mastery set up, but as it stands the most recent update was a nerf to her damage reduction. Still an amazing champ though but this limits some of the match ups she can take now.
Let me know if anyone has any questions. And hopefully someone from Kabam reads this and fixes the interaction because the goal of the update was to make Cassie’s damage reduction reliant on the inequity mastery, but in reality she benefits the least from it since it’s potency is halved for her.
When I tested against RoL WS, his taunted light attack with a fury would do 233 damage and with inequity and power stings, it would do 152 damage. If you lower 233 by 36% it puts you at 150.2 which would make sense due to rounding errors.
So basically, moral of the story is inequity doesn't work with taunt the way we thought it would.
They could add a line to her kit that interacts with the inequity mastery, maybe for every point in the inequity mastery her personal taunt gains 10% potency. That would allow her taunt to reach 80% potency, and with a few power stings you could reach 87.2% basically on par with her pre fix, while also requiring players to invest in the inequity mastery.