Event Quest exploration is bugged

The current EQ is bugged. 
This is chapter 2.2. You can see there is only 4 paths but I've run this quest 6 times and it is only at 93%. There are certain sections which are not counting for exploration even though you do the path. For example you can see it at the top of my picture where one link of the path says it's not explored even though I've already run that path. Please look into this asap. I'm wasting my time and refills trying to finish this so I can do paragon gauntlet but I have to redo these paths instead..

This is chapter 2.2. You can see there is only 4 paths but I've run this quest 6 times and it is only at 93%. There are certain sections which are not counting for exploration even though you do the path. For example you can see it at the top of my picture where one link of the path says it's not explored even though I've already run that path. Please look into this asap. I'm wasting my time and refills trying to finish this so I can do paragon gauntlet but I have to redo these paths instead..