Device compatibility new update

I downloaded marvel contest of champion on my samung galaxy note 4 android version6 on Google playstore on the 3rd of this month due to change of device. So I went to playstore again now trying to update for this month but getting error message saying the game won't work on my device. Meanwhile I downloaded it 2 days ago and working perfectly till now. Am just unable to update. I have been playing for over 6 years now on my two accounts. One paragon and one thronebreaker, but now I can't access the game anymore because of the new version requirement update.I don't have money to get another phone. Please i hope you listen to this single crying player, I beg you, make the minimum to be version 6
they can't just keep supporting older versions.
they would be limiting what they can do.
1- sometimes new game features require certain versions.
certain things only become possible under certain versions.
if they want to take advantage of newer features they need to not support older stuff
2- device hardware. newer features would just not work.
3- the changes in code and stuff in the OS's just make it hard to have stuff work across too many versions.
imagine trying to make a new playstation 5 game work on a playstation 2.
just can't happen.
Or do you have a v8 old device you can ship me?
My post is not a complaint post. It was a pleading post to kabam to make the game available for v6 because I can't afford new phones. Have been playing for six years so it makes me sad. So yall stop stating the obvious