Ascension: So, you thought going with Magik/Quake was boring...

Who'd you do first?

Sometimes you just have to choose your favourite, because it's fun.
Anyone else out there doing the same?

Sometimes you just have to choose your favourite, because it's fun.
Anyone else out there doing the same?
I am happy with my choice. Felt like it would be unlikely to get a 6-Star any time soon, and he's a wicked defender that clutches me a lot of wins! Plus, he's basically wearing shorts.
I'm pleased.
Rank who you like!
And now they can go questing together...
I like Quake and Magic.
I find this hard to believe as i would expect the increase value from ascension to be added to their base stats not a 1 time regardless of whether they are R4 or R5, it will increase by the same %, so if they are at R4 their base stats will go up 20%...then when ranked to R5, their base stats will still increase by 20%?
I also did herc so I could do eop at some point.
I could ascend my R4 red guardian right now. (Hint: not doing it)