ISO tab “jumping”

I’m just doing level up, and when I go to the ISO tab, I select what I need, then the tab “jumps” and everything is deselected. It’s pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it’s annoying all the same.
Really annoying when you have selected some particular ISO and are just about to press CLAIM.
Like a bunch of Mixed Class ISO is on the screen, and you just select a few of a specific class to finish leveling up someone.
And it happens to “jump” (as you say, which is a Refresh/Reset where anything currently selected gets unselected for some reason) right before your CLAIM press.
Then, of course, what happens is the CLAIM does a Claim ALL (since now, nothing is selected/highlighted).
Now you’ve got all this OTHER CLASS of ISO that now just got claimed, and you have to basically “waste” a bunch (without Class bonus) before getting back to using Class of the next champ you want to do.