Is the 7* incursions crystal worth it ??

Looking at the champion pool , i'll be happy only if i pull HB and CAIW . 400k is a mammoth amount and a big big gamble since you can buy 1000 4* crystal and get out of iso drought forever . You can also just buy the 6* crystal fpr 54k artifacts and farm 7* shards for better 7* pulls .
I am not sure after how much time a new 7* pool will be launched in incursions. What do you all think ?
Is the 7* incursions crystal worth it ?? 179 votes
Artifacts are going to be easier to accumulate, the cap was also raised. Some people don't spend them on anything, now there's a chance to get a unique 7* and the pool is quite small. Kabam hasn't yet said if this crystal pool will change and if these champions will be put into the basic pool - so for now this is our only chance at getting these characters as a 7*.
Yes, the price jump from the 6* to the 7* is pretty massive, but it's always easier (and better) for Kabam to introduce something like this at a higher cost and then (potentially) lower it if they feel like it's too expensive.
Those 3 at max sig as 7* could do a lot of work.
I’ve never played incursions much though so I don’t know how hard it will be to get 400k artifacts repeatedly.
So 400k seems a decent price to me.
I just realised it's 6k
So it's like 66 4* crystals
Considering you get dupe in every crystal
1,584 iso bricks
Around 10k 5*shards and some gold
7* is definitely the better deal here unless you are low level