Alliance war helper mobile app - Android

Hello guys,
Hope you are doing well. I have created an Android app that can help alliance officers to create a list of players and their champions to show who can place what champions.
This is version 1, so I have tried to add the most basic functionality only. What I am looking for is help from all of you. Perhaps try the app and see what suggestions you have to improve this app. You guys can submit your reviews on playstore as well. I will use all the feedbacks from you to improve this app further because it is important to know the player base needs before adding further functionality.
This is the appstore link:
Unfortunately, I have only Android version of the app, so only android users can use this app, and I am looking into ways to develop an iOS application as well.
So, please spread the word and give your valuable feedback. Hope this app helps alliances in some way.
I couldn't use all app screenshots because playstore doesn't allow the use of the word MCOC.
Hope you are doing well. I have created an Android app that can help alliance officers to create a list of players and their champions to show who can place what champions.
This is version 1, so I have tried to add the most basic functionality only. What I am looking for is help from all of you. Perhaps try the app and see what suggestions you have to improve this app. You guys can submit your reviews on playstore as well. I will use all the feedbacks from you to improve this app further because it is important to know the player base needs before adding further functionality.
This is the appstore link:
Unfortunately, I have only Android version of the app, so only android users can use this app, and I am looking into ways to develop an iOS application as well.
So, please spread the word and give your valuable feedback. Hope this app helps alliances in some way.
I couldn't use all app screenshots because playstore doesn't allow the use of the word MCOC.
what are you even saying?
he literally only posted about this a few hours ago.
not too many people would have seen this yet and not a single person has said anything negative about it.
The only thing that I would like to suggest that I think is do-able is to add nodes for which champion goes where along with the node description. It also may be there but I haven't deep dived into it yet.
now as you said you would not be able to do too much similar to that without a server,
but it may give you some ideas.
i have not been able to look yet at your app,
but what i know i love about the arni 2 website is the profile pics of each champ and the ability to add the star ratings and sig levels and how it highlights if you accidentally place a dupe.
you can assign the defenders to a node so when you show the image to your alliance it shows where to place.
(not as much of an issue now with persistant defences)
i love the convenience of an app so it would be really nice to see how you continue to develop it.
As for the other things, my app does show if you place duplicates, AW total diversity and the ability to add rank, sig and star level.
Also curious, you weren't able to look at the app? Is it because you don't use an Android phone? If there's other issue other than device, then feel free to let me know so I can look into it and provide a possible solution.
i am looking to get a tablet but at the moment i am droidless. (except for my car stereo, but thats a bit awkward to do stuff like this on.)
But currently, you (or an officer) can select 5 champs per player in the app and you can edit them if that changes.
I have a few players asking me for presets, or the way I like to think is save the setup based on their AW tier changes, so I will be doing that in the next version. It would be like the ability to save the defense and add another, so if tier changes, you can load the previous saved setup and send to players. Thank you.
We really hate the placement phase, not being able to 'kick' people out of a battle group or move them between groups. So I haven't used your app much.
Feel free to provide any feedback that you might have.
Thanks for using the app. Appreciate it.