First time getting 3 T4CC and want to know which champion should be ranked up.

This is the first time I got 3 T4CC for Cosmic, Tech and Skill. Here are my champions and please advise which one should be ranked up to R5 for 4* and R3 for 5*
For Skill
For Cosmic
For Tech
From reading other posts, I think Hyperion is the only one that's worthy to be ranked up to 4* R5. Is that right? I can't decide for the skill and tech. Should I wait for better champions?
For Skill
- 5* Black Panther (Civil War) - Unduped
- 5* Winter Soldier - Unduped
- 4* Elektra - Unduped
- 4* Falcom - Duped
- 4* Daredevil - Duped
- 4* Black Panther (Civil War) - Unduped
- 4* Punisher - Unduped
- 4* Winter Soldier - Unduped
For Cosmic
- 4* Hyperion - Unduped
- 4* Groot - Duped
- 4* Superior Iron Man - Unduped
- 4* Captain Marvel - Unduped
- 4* Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) - Duped
For Tech
- 4* Hulkbuster - Duped
- 4* Rocket Raccoon
- 4* Yondu
From reading other posts, I think Hyperion is the only one that's worthy to be ranked up to 4* R5. Is that right? I can't decide for the skill and tech. Should I wait for better champions?
Cosmic: Hyperion
Tech: Yondu
Cosmic - Definitely Hyperion.
Tech - Yondu. He's great on defense, but also on offense. With his bleed/armor break, armor steal and heal block, he's good against all kinds of champs.
Cosmic: hype no questions askee
Tech: wait
I am in a alliance which does not get T4CC regularly, so this a very valuable resource for me. Because of that I try to only use the cats on champs which will be the most useful. Also considering that 5* champs will become more available and will take the place of 4* ones, it is not worth it investing in a sub-par 4*.
In the Skill class I'd only ever use T4CC (for 4*) on Gwenpool and Blade. For the Tech on Stark Spidey, Star Lord, Ultron and maybe Vision.
Yondu maybe, but I'd hold for vision, spark, etc.
Classic DD is pretty useful. There are better skill champs out there, but it's hard to regret ranking daredevil unless your next 4* is gwenpool.
I just Ranked Hyperion. Thanks for all your suggestions.
Since I just got Yondu, I will use it at R4 for some time to get a hang of it and decide later. Starlord is next week and Stark Spiderman is in January. It seems that I should try to get either one to use my Tech T4CC.
I don't have 4* or 5* Gwenpool. I have 3* Gwenpool and she is awesome. So, I think I will keep the Skill T4CC for now without ranking up any of my existing skill champions, but I am not sure when I will land a 4* or 5* Gwenpool.......