This will be my first R5/R2 and I can’t decide which champ to go with. Hulkling is the better champ but 7*’s are the future and will most likely be a requirement for the next progress milestone after paragon.
7* Gorr to R2 or 6* Hulkling to R5 51 votes
I think people put too much emphasis on what's to come and less on what's fun right now. Yeah, next progression milestone will probably have something to do with 7*s rather than 6*s, but I would think that it's not "have three r2 7*s" but rather something along the lines of a couple of r3s. Due to that, I wager that we'll see a pretty substantial increase in r2 materials well before then, meaning you can probably comfortably rank up your 6*s at the moment while simultaneously be ready for the next progression title when it finally comes.
Of course, this is just guesswork on my part, but it's also the philosophy I'm following for myself. I recently r5'd my 6* Black Cat and have no regrets.
So rank who you'll have most fun with and who'll benefit your account the most right now. It's not necessarily bad to look to the future when making decisions, but it's bad to let an uncertain and unknowable future dictate too much of your current choices. After all, ranking up the right 6* champion could help you earn way more 7* rank-up resources in the future.