I forgot normal incursions have a cooldown and I dislike it already

So I figured I'd give the new incursions a go to see how they are.
Hopped in, messed up on the first fight trying to set something up, "no biggy, I'll just hop out and hop back in", BOOM 20 hour cooldown and all motivation lost
I know they already reduced the cooldowns from what they were before, but seeing as the only times I've played Incursions recently has been for both the side quests, I completely forgot about the long cooldowns and that they don't allow for expermentation at all
Anyone else in the same boat or am I just a bit of a dummy?
Hopped in, messed up on the first fight trying to set something up, "no biggy, I'll just hop out and hop back in", BOOM 20 hour cooldown and all motivation lost
I know they already reduced the cooldowns from what they were before, but seeing as the only times I've played Incursions recently has been for both the side quests, I completely forgot about the long cooldowns and that they don't allow for expermentation at all
Anyone else in the same boat or am I just a bit of a dummy?
We got any idea when this open?
Edit: only time i quit is when its an impossible fight
Ok, will try it out but the cool down definitely a downer.
How am I supposed to do all zone 25 if RNG hates me that cycle?
The only reason I can see to have the timers longer than the 5 minutes they have shown works perfectly fine twice now is that they don't want people to be able to obtain the rewards. This makes no sense considering they were basically begging people to play Incursions and give the mode a chance by forcing it for 2 separate months' side quests.
If you want us to play it and are already placing restrictions on rewards that can be earned as well as making the hacks we get RNG based then the pain point of long cool downs needs to be removed. I have zero interest in playing this with the still much too long cool down timers and don't see myself doing so outside of specific event based limited rewards forcing me to.
Why change it from 5 min? Everyone loves that.
"Wait, I can't use my most broken champion over and over and over?"
Queue entire other roster who can be buffed to become just as broken
"Yeah... not interested, I'll wait."
Queue exasperation, but lack of surprise from the rest of said roster
If trying to experiment with team comp punishes me, why would I go for anything else than just using Herc who I know will work?
Using me as an example, quite possibly my biggest ask regarding a Gladiator tweak, has been that I would like him to obtain some resistances. Yes there are other tweaks I'd like but this is the absolute biggest ask.
Incursions provides me with a perfect opportunity for me to use Galan and make Gladiator a Herald. In doing so, I will give him resistances, and also have many other opportunities to bring him to even more insane levels and play with the Gladiator I wanted.
Yes there's risk involved, if my trials fail I will have to wait before I can try again. But while I'm waiting, I can try another champion, and another. Incursions always want to recommend an Armour build, can only imagine how beefy OG Iron Man would become. Degen and Bleed builds? Venom the Duck and Guillotine 99. Buff builds? Wasn't I just complaining about Aegon getting dusty on my bench?
I'm sure you have many possible options, just dive in and try. Who knows, you might actually rediscover a champion and find the experience enjoyable.
Thank you much appreciated!
Before yesterday I've never even humoured the armour builds. Yesterday I decided to go full armour on a Sector 6 run and oh my god did I become beefy. Armour, physical resistance, energy resistance, crit damage.. applying poisons left and right? It was insane, and fun. All because I decided to do it from the very first zone.
Now maybe it doesn't work out. Okay, there goes a couple of champions - but now I have even more information than I did before. Now instead of knowing "Well, Buff Cornucopia with Odin and Galan is insane..." I also know "If I take the build gives me armour with every heavy, I can effectively turn every character into Colossus. My heavy also applies poison AND with even more resistances, and an attribute hack buff, I can survive full combos and specials to the face if I mess up."
The risk of having your hacks negated is always there, which is why I'm sure you don't just load up Herc and run into a room blind only to find out after it's too late that the boss is a Wong with Fisticuffs, Stun immunity and can only be damaged by a DoT you have no access to.
Having no time limit only encourages a mentality of: "Well, I didn't get the hack I wanted, I'm going to back out and retry." Heck, that's exactly what a ton of content creators, people on this forum, people on Reddit were recommending to do when the first Incursions Legends title became available. It was the strat. Now people are complaining about Legends titles meaning nothing, creating a distinction between Incursion Legends and Event Legends...
Part of Incursions is the risk involved. Not getting the hacks you want, having to wait for your champions, having your champions and hacks negated. But that's exactly why Incursions is so great of a game mode, because it offers us almost endless possibilities and opportunities to brush off our old champions and use the full range of our roster.
There is so much randomness things can quickly go south that are out of your control. Waiting 20 hours to go again is stupid.
Considering Milestones and Top Zone bonuses are fixed I fail to understand the rationale behind the cooldown.
One day cooldown basically says "try different champs and see how they work." Five minute cooldown basically says "take your best team and just pummel it until you break it." Side quest incursions are designed, in part, to focus players' attention on incursions and do a lot of it: cooldowns are reduced specifically for that reason. But outside of special side quest events, incursions is intended to be one game mode among many, where players decide to balance their time between them all.
There will always be players who love incursions and want to focus just on that, and players who hate it and never want to play it. But for everyone else in the middle, incursions is not supposed to be too rewarding and too easy to repeat, and not too difficult or too punishing, so that players have to balance their time and interest. The cooldown is intended to be high enough to be noticeable, but not so high to be too discouraging. As that is a judgment call in large part, it is difficult to prove wrong or argue against. It is my preferences vs your preference vs the designer's preference.
The reason being is that one day cooldown can also say "use your best champs to make the most of the one day cooldown" while five minute cooldowns can say "even if your best champs are on a short cooldown, you can use these other champs too"
I may be in the minority here, but interested to hear from other people about it