Is it possible to turn opponent's Sp3 Button into...

01000100 Member Posts: 58
Is it possible to turn opponent's Sp3 Button into a useable function.

Currently, it's just used as a indicator for Specials and not useful other than that. Perhaps, it can be used to replace double-tap functions because a lot people complain about "accidental double-taps when parrying".

The Sp3 buttons used to be larger too but were shrunk by a ridiculous percentage (even before the release of relics). Increase it by at least 15% please.

I theorized it was intentionally shrunk because players would lazily press it due to how big it was and Kbm wasn't happy about it, so they reduced the success of player-win-rates by us missing the button and "making hand-eye-coordination a more important skill".

My hands are slightly larger than normal sized, so I can imagine people with big hands being super frustrated.
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