That's what happens when you have a matchmaking system that leaves multiple Paragons stuck in Gold.
I agree prior matchmaking was off, but you don't always have to push your agenda. There are many other explanations, such as people with loaded accounts who play casually enough to only advance a few tiers each season (most of my alliance for instance), those who had a lot of real life things going on last season and didn't have time to advance, those who are stronger now than before, took a break from the game and came back, etc.
That's what happens when you have a matchmaking system that leaves multiple Paragons stuck in Gold.
I agree prior matchmaking was off, but you don't always have to push your agenda. There are many other explanations, such as people with loaded accounts who play casually enough to only advance a few tiers each season (most of my alliance for instance), those who had a lot of real life things going on last season and didn't have time to advance, those who are stronger now than before, took a break from the game and came back, etc.
It's not an agenda, it's the truth. The siloing in low tiers of BGs ended up sticking Paragons in Gold and propelling Cavs and TBs to Plat.
Now, with seeding, we're getting posts from low players in both Bronze and Plat crying about being matched vs Paragons. Had they just had open matchmaking from the start of last season, the Paragons would all be out of Bronze and people would have been seeded in their correct tier.
That's what happens when you have a matchmaking system that leaves multiple Paragons stuck in Gold.
I agree prior matchmaking was off, but you don't always have to push your agenda. There are many other explanations, such as people with loaded accounts who play casually enough to only advance a few tiers each season (most of my alliance for instance), those who had a lot of real life things going on last season and didn't have time to advance, those who are stronger now than before, took a break from the game and came back, etc.
It's not an agenda, it's the truth. The siloing in low tiers of BGs ended up sticking Paragons in Gold and propelling Cavs and TBs to Plat.
Now, with seeding, we're getting posts from low players in both Bronze and Plat crying about being matched vs Paragons. Had they just had open matchmaking from the start of last season, the Paragons would all be out of Bronze and people would have been seeded in their correct tier.
Again, in some cases that's true and I'm not disputing that. However, there are far more reasons than just matchmaking as to why paragons didn't get out of gold last season. Now that seeding has taken place, I'm curious as to how much of an impact that will have, but there will always be paragon accounts starting in Bronze each season, many of which are for reasons other than matchmaking
Still waiting to run into some of those super skilled under 400K accounts that made it into Vib and higher last season…
Dr. Zola
Now, with seeding, we're getting posts from low players in both Bronze and Plat crying about being matched vs Paragons. Had they just had open matchmaking from the start of last season, the Paragons would all be out of Bronze and people would have been seeded in their correct tier.