7* Loyalty Crystal

Hello, I've wanted to ask two questions about 7* Loyalty Crystal, if anyone have the answers please share with me.
This the loyalty crystal part from the official announcement;
Loyal Store Update!
We have decided to focus the Loyalty store on Champion Acquisition, Awakening and Sig Stones moving forward. We have added an exclusive 7* crystal and reduced the price of Awakening and Sig Stone materials to promote this change in direction. The price of rank up materials remains unchanged, though we have consolidated the store items so lower progressions will have better prices in some cases.
Changes to Loyalty store consumables will follow with our consumable update.
Here are my questions;
1 - How much it will cost ?
2 - When it will arrive ? What did they mean by consumable update ?
This the loyalty crystal part from the official announcement;
Loyal Store Update!
We have decided to focus the Loyalty store on Champion Acquisition, Awakening and Sig Stones moving forward. We have added an exclusive 7* crystal and reduced the price of Awakening and Sig Stone materials to promote this change in direction. The price of rank up materials remains unchanged, though we have consolidated the store items so lower progressions will have better prices in some cases.
Changes to Loyalty store consumables will follow with our consumable update.
Here are my questions;
1 - How much it will cost ?
2 - When it will arrive ? What did they mean by consumable update ?
Now that said, considering this is a crystal with good champs in it, I wouldn't be surprised, or even angry, if it was closer to 4,000,000.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
The problem is that we don't know when it will be available because kabam hides this information
Cap enlistment event gave 155k incursion artifacts from objectives and they kept cost of 7 star at 400k.
They are giving 600k loyalty through objectives. So by that maths , I would assume that 7 star by loyalty should cost about 2 to 2.5 million.
That said, you can earn incursion artifacts by doing incursion runs. You can earn loyalty only through war, which again is not toooo substantial and those who are doing high tier wars got to use loyalty for war items. Where as incursion artifacts once earned can keep getting added.
So I would like to see 7 star at a cost of 2 to 2.5 mil. Higher costs will really make it difficult for summoners to achieve it or many in serious war alliances would choose not to buy a 7 star to keep loyalty saved for war items.