Resetting defence in AW

Hi guys. During war season we play 3 BG. With perpetual defence all the defenders r still placed in their respective BGs.
Now in off season we want to play 1 BG wars. But there is no option for removing the set defenders.
Or am I missing something.


  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 387 ★★
    It's a pain. You can't remove players from BGs, so if a player goes inactive we have to take a loss because the spot is taken.
  • DicedicedicediceDicedicedicedice Member Posts: 144 ★★
    Plz help here @Kabam Miike
  • GamerAlpha5GamerAlpha5 Member Posts: 2
    Seems like lots of issues with the new content. My alliance can’t get more than 4 players in battlegroup 2 for AW. Hard to have an even match when the other alliance has 10 players to our 4. We had no issues until 9-15-2023 update.
  • Had to resort to kicking semi inactive alliance members because they are taking up space in BGs, our alliance only plays 2 AW maps, and they don’t communicate.

    There needs to be a feature for officers and leaders to not just assign but config who is permitted within BGs.
  • WM20WM20 Member Posts: 9
    I'm the leader of my alliance, assigned to BG1, and I have tried the 'Place Heroes' button in both the 'Next War' and 'War Room' tabs. On the next screen, I select BG1 (to which I'm assigned and it's highlighted in yellow), and then the next screen shows my typical 5-champ roster for AW defense. I've even tried swapping them all out. When I click 'Begin', the loading wheel spins for a second and then nothing happens. Nothing changes in the 'Preview' of the map. I've been trying to join for 3-4 says without success. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  • DicedicedicediceDicedicedicedice Member Posts: 144 ★★
    @Kabam Miike bro u gotta help us here. This is a serious issue.
  • GLΛNZΛGLΛNZΛ Member Posts: 5
    Apparently we are still in 2024 and the problem still persists. My defenders are still at War in the Previous Alliance, and in the one I am in, the New Team option does not appear to assign defense, but I can only enter to attack when it is time for War.
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